behind you, sharp corner, acceleration to straight and quick glance to
rear mirror, nothing. Moving to other side of the track for next turn
and *crash*. Yes, computer driver was on your side at the blind spot.
In real car you would take a quick look into your side before changing
driving line, but racing sims don't have this feature. So, couple of
ideas that would solve the problem:
1) Two part mirrors, inner half would show whats behind and outer half
whats on your side. The mirrors are bent, and look like this from top: __/
2) Warning lights for right and left side. Lights are lit, if there is
another car on that side.
3) Views in flight sim style, left-front-right. Coolie hat stuff;-)
IMHO: 1st option would propably be the best, because you can estimate
the distance to your rival compared to 2nd (cars side by side in ovals).
Switching views in driving sim might be bit difficult, possible delays
and no frontal view when looking into sides.