> Just to continue the story, just did 16 clean laps at Indy, LPI up by 1 !!
> So why does 32 laps with one accident reduce my LPI by 4, but 16 clean laps
> only increase it by one? :-)
Mathematics. It's calcultated by number of laps done divided by number
of incidents. With one more incident the number is falling more if you
have few incidents before that, but with many incidents it doesn't
fall much. Of course it's the other way too, that with few incidents
the lpi rises rapidly, but with many it's hard work. I think i got
some 40+ incidents now, most of them caused by wreckers and bad
drivers, and keeping the lpi over 30 requires a lot of laps.
What I really want to see is a timestamp on the incidents, and that
after so and so many laps, or weeks they get erased, since most of us
have more incidents when we started racing but fewer now.
Olav K. Malmin
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