Lol, your girlfriend should work at Gamespot, then the Gamespot review
would have been a lot fairer (Gamespot gave it a 9.7. Honestly, GP3 is
a good game, but a 9.7 is ridiculous!)
Sound 6/10 10/10
Graphics 7/10 9/10
FF 6/10 9/10
Physics 6/10 9/10
Overall 60% 95%
Then I asked her:
1. Which was the easiest to drive?
Julie: GP3 is really easy.
2. The most fun to drive?
Julie: GPL...it feels more like I'm driving a race car.
3. GP3 cars all handle the same, unlike GPL, is that good or bad?
Julie: Bad! What's the point of that then?
Gerry: Geo...God knows!
4. GP3 has no online racing, are you surprised by that?
Julie: Yes, that's stupid. Can you play it at your LAN things that you
go to?
Gerry: No.
Julie: What a ***game, did you get it from EB? I'm going shopping
with Denise tomorrow, would you like me to take it back?
Gerry: I might want you to, yes.
5. Which one of the two do you think is the more advanced?
Julie: GPL of course, then did GP3 come out then?
Gerry: Yesterday.
Julie: Really!! It's shit, why did you buy it?
Gerry: I did no for sure that it was crap, so I got it to try.
Julie: Can I go now?
6. Which would you buy?
Julie: GPL, can I go now?
Gerry: Yes pumpkin, thanks for your help.
Julie: Can I have some money to go shopping with?
Gerry: If I gave you money, some would say I paid you to agree with me.
Julie: Is that a no then?
Gerry: Yes.
Julie: Yes, I can have some money?
Gerry: No, sorry I'm skint.
Julie: Hmm! If I take GP3 back I could have 20 of the refund.
Gerry: 5.
Julie: 15.
Gerry: 10.
Julie: Ok :0). Can you copy the Cd?
Gerry: I'd never do that!
So there you have it. I also looked at her face while she was driving,
which said it all really. All smiles in the Honda of GPL and all scowls
in the GP3 car.
Your girlfriend has great taste... in racing sims. ;-)
I thought I'd force my girlfriend to look at GP3 and GPL, and then get
her reaction to both of them. Here's what she thought.
I question anyone who calls their girlfriend "pumpkin".
Fat, round and tasteless?
Oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have said that. I can feel the
heat.....arrrgggghhhh... flames!!!
Simon "Onejob" Page.
Guaranteed not to return in one piece.
> > I thought I'd force my girlfriend to look at GP3 and GPL, and then get
> > her reaction to both of them. Here's what she thought.
> > GP3 GPL
> > Sound 6/10 10/10
> > Graphics 7/10 9/10
> > FF 6/10 9/10
> > Physics 6/10 9/10
> > Overall 60% 95%
> > Then I asked her:
> > 1. Which was the easiest to drive?
> > Julie: GP3 is really easy.
> > 2. The most fun to drive?
> > Julie: GPL...it feels more like I'm driving a race car.
> > 3. GP3 cars all handle the same, unlike GPL, is that good or bad?
> > Julie: Bad! What's the point of that then?
> > Gerry: Geo...God knows!
> > 4. GP3 has no online racing, are you surprised by that?
> > Julie: Yes, that's stupid. Can you play it at your LAN things that you
> > go to?
> > Gerry: No.
> > Julie: What a ***game, did you get it from EB? I'm going shopping
> > with Denise tomorrow, would you like me to take it back?
> > Gerry: I might want you to, yes. =
> > 5. Which one of the two do you think is the more advanced?
> > Julie: GPL of course, then did GP3 come out then?
> > Gerry: Yesterday.
> <snip>
> I question anyone who calls their girlfriend "pumpkin".
> Fat, round and tasteless?
> Oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have said that. I can feel the
> heat.....arrrgggghhhh... flames!!!
> --
> Simon "Onejob" Page.
> Guaranteed not to return in one piece.
Well, you've answered all of our questions, except one.
Does she have a sister? :)
"But in a way, fear is a big part of racing, because if there was
nothing to be frightened of, and no limit, any fool could get into
a motor car and racing would not exist as a sport." -- Jim Clark
This was a funny post. You have a very patient girlfriend! :)
What were you doing when she was driving the Honda?
or should that be what were you doing when she was driving the GP3 car?
> > Nice one...
> > Your girlfriend has great taste... in racing sims. ;-)
> > Jan.
> > =---
> > G.Aitken wrote...
> > I thought I'd force my girlfriend to look at GP3 and GPL, and then get
> > her reaction to both of them. Here's what she thought.
> > <snip>
Run, don't walk, to the registry office right now! I'm still convinced
my gf was behind the sabotage of my TMF1.... :-)
Graeme Nash
Mark Fisher
(Remove the wife to reply)
Kudos to you and your girlfriend!
-- JB
> Sound 6/10 10/10
> Graphics 7/10 9/10
> FF 6/10 9/10
> Physics 6/10 9/10
> Overall 60% 95%
> Then I asked her:
> 1. Which was the easiest to drive?
> Julie: GP3 is really easy.
> 2. The most fun to drive?
> Julie: GPL...it feels more like I'm driving a race car.
> 3. GP3 cars all handle the same, unlike GPL, is that good or bad?
> Julie: Bad! What's the point of that then?
> Gerry: Geo...God knows!
> 4. GP3 has no online racing, are you surprised by that?
> Julie: Yes, that's stupid. Can you play it at your LAN things that you
> go to?
> Gerry: No.
> Julie: What a ***game, did you get it from EB? I'm going shopping
> with Denise tomorrow, would you like me to take it back?
> Gerry: I might want you to, yes. =
> 5. Which one of the two do you think is the more advanced?
> Julie: GPL of course, then did GP3 come out then?
> Gerry: Yesterday.
> Julie: Really!! It's shit, why did you buy it?
> Gerry: I did no for sure that it was crap, so I got it to try.
> Julie: Can I go now?
> 6. Which would you buy?
> Julie: GPL, can I go now?
> Gerry: Yes pumpkin, thanks for your help.
> Julie: Can I have some money to go shopping with?
> Gerry: If I gave you money, some would say I paid you to agree with
> Julie: Is that a no then?
> Gerry: Yes.
> Julie: Yes, I can have some money?
> Gerry: No, sorry I'm skint.
> Julie: Hmm! If I take GP3 back I could have =A320 of the refund.
> Gerry: =A35.
> Julie: =A315.
> Gerry: =A310.
> Julie: Ok :0). Can you copy the Cd?
> Gerry: I'd never do that!
> So there you have it. I also looked at her face while she was driving,
> which said it all really. All smiles in the Honda of GPL and all
> in the GP3 car.
> Vintook
> > Hmmm, i am in love...... i guess. Wish i had a girlfriend like her.....
> > > Nice one...
> > > Your girlfriend has great taste... in racing sims. ;-)
> > > Jan.
> > > =---
> > > G.Aitken wrote...
> > > I thought I'd force my girlfriend to look at GP3 and GPL, and then get
> > > her reaction to both of them. Here's what she thought.
> > > <snip>