On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 06:08:09 GMT, J Meuller
>I'm pretty new to car racing games (been playing flight sims forever) and
>am now absolutely hooked on Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed. I even went
>to Costco and dropped CDN$200+taxes on wheels and pedals (Logitech MOMO)
>just to enhance the experience.
>Now, I realize that NFS:PU is a 2-year-old game now, and that there are
>probably much better games, in many respects, out there. What should I buy
To me, this is a tough one.
Porsche Unleashed is an old game, but the fun-factor is superb.
It strikes a rare balance of fun/realism with lots of action and just
enough handling realism to make the cars feel right. The fact that the
cars can take tons of damage is really the only thing that throws it
off. It was a pretty successful title, so I was hoping EA would follow
it up with something like Ferrari Unleashed, but they seem to have
dedicated all of their driving guys to Motor City Online.
Everyone is going to recommend Grand Prix Legends. It has a ***
following here that is well deserved, but the game didn't grab me
because I don't care about the era. If you want to slide around in 35
year old Grand Prix cars, theres nothing better. If you're easily
frustrated or don't like the era, anything is better.
You'll also get pounded here for saying anything negative about it, so
I'm preparing for my pounding. LOL.
If you'd like something else with slightly relaxed realism but lots of
fun to play like Porsche Unleashed, I'd recommend Colin McRae Rally 2.
Also, raid the cheapie bin at Best Buy for Viper Racing. This is an
older sim with very realistic physics. It's weaknesses are a limited
number of tracks and no real online play.
NASCAR 2002 has great physics, but unless you really like NASCAR, the
preponderance of oval tracks might be a disappointment.
It's saving grace is online play. If you have a fast connection, you
might like it even if you don't like NASCAR. I can't stay awake
through a real NASCAR race, but the online play in the game saves the