new upgraded spring for a realistic experience. The brake pedal spring was way too light to feel like a real brake so first thing I
did was put a stronger spring in.
Anyway, I tried GPL and the FF effects do not seem exactly right for what I expected as real car feel. I think maybe I am not
setting something correctly because when I try adjusting the spring or damping effects it still feels the same, but I can feel a big
difference outside of GPL. I can adjust the overall effects setting and change how strong the FF is in GPL. I also tried changing
the core.ini lines 'force_feedback_damping' and 'max_steering_torque', but do not see any change.
The problem I have with how it feels is that it has very heavy or strong return spring feel when I put the overall FF effect above
50% , but at less than 50% I get very little effect from crashing or berms or any other forces.
Also the forces that I am getting seem to be more like the force of the roll of the car as if the steering was connected to the
anti-rollbar. It should be more of the forces of weight transfer to the front wheels. For example when I stomp on the throttle, the
weight transfers to the rear and you see the front suspension droop as it gets lighter, so the steering should feel lighter also.
Instead I feel the weight of the car leanig side to side and no change with throttle or even with hard braking or understeer.
If there is a way to change this or adjust the spring return effect please let me know.
Lutrell :-)
DSR # 74