> > I think tonights race was a very good one aswell....
> > However upon watching the replay it's become quite clear to me that we
> > *must* have some sort of rulebook for RASCAR. Just this race alone I've
> > found atleast 3 or 4 issues that, IMHO, should never have occured.
> > We must have some sort of rulebook that make us all play by the same
> > rules...
> > It does not have to be big at all (I'm thinking 5-10 paragraphs/rules
> > and it can be posted here along with the race information before each
> > I've also taken the libery to make a draft:
> > 1. All races are run with the following settings: 40% lenght - Fixed
> > ("fast") - Yellows on - forced smoke - *forced***pit* - single file
> > restarts. Weather is fixed at 70 deg F. / no wind. For now, yellows are
> > turned off on roadcourses. Also, if things improve we might revert back
> > double-file restarts.
> I absolutly do NOT agree with forced***pit, and for the following
> reasons:
> A) There is a rear-view mirror for all driving views while racing (at
> least for***pit, roof and chase. (This was not the case for GPL, as
> the only time you could get mirrors was in***pit mode.)
> B) If your hood gets pushed up and you can't see,there is NO WAY you can
> safely take the yellow and make it one lap around to enter the pits.
> I'm hesitant to agree with single-file restarts because the black-flag
> characteristics and damage model in the sim is such that a car a lap
> down isn't necessarily going to be any slower than the lead lap cars.
> They deserve a chance to try to get their lap back.
> Forcing smoke on is good in that people will always see ***happening
> on the track long vefore they get there, buit it's bad because some
> people's systems may simply not be able to handle the graphics load. I
> don't mind it being on because I already have it turned on.
> > 2. No passing until backstraight:
> > You are not allowed to pass the car *in front* of you until you reach
> > back-straight. This is done in an attempt to make driver relax more on
> > restarts and to avoid over-aggressive driving/diving into turn 1 on
start /
> > restart. You may on the other hand pass the car above or below you on
> > start, but you cannot change line until you reach the back straight.
> > NOTE: The only exception to this rule is if you know the car in front of
> > is heavily damaged or in other kinds of troubles. You may then switch
> > to pass it - providing this can be done safely.
> Don't agree with this one at all. Who determines where the backstretch
> actually starts? How can you determine if the car in front of you has
> "other kinds of troubles"? Nope, too much room for self-interpretation,
> and unrealstic besides.
> > 3. No racing back to the line during yellows:
> > When a yellow is waved racing should stop and everyone should ease off
> > safely make their way across the S/F-line and behind the pace-car. Be
> > prepared to avoid any stranded cars if needed. When there's 10 laps or
> > left of the race - racing back to the line *IS* permitted.
> You CANNOIT have an exception to a rule - either they can race back to
> the yellows, or they can't.
> > 4. Accidents:
> > Drivers involved in any accidents have 2 priorities:
> > First and formost; "Stop" or do whatever it takes to avoid causing any
> > damage to other cars. Secondly get their car back across the S/F-line
> > into the pit without making a mess of it all. Meaning that if you
> > crash/spin/etc.: You have stop and let the whole field pass you - IF
> > what it takes to gurantee that you wont hit anyone once the yellow is
> This is "common sense" - not a "rule".
> > 5. During cautions/pacelaps:
> > Pace speed is to be uphold at all times. Every driver should try to keep
> > within 2-4 car-lenghts of the car infront. Pitting on restarts is *not*
> > permitted unless you are the *last* in line.
> If everyone is obeying the pace speed, this shouldn't be a problem.
> > 5. Chatting:
> > Everyone *must* have in-car chat enabled.
> > Chatting during racing is to be kept at a very minimum. However
> > chat messages/autochat that's relate to action on the track is
> > Chatting during yellows is permitted too, but not encouraged unless you
> > comfortable with doing so.
> Free-form chatting should be completely prohibited, and auto-chatting
> should be limited to pit entry/exit or pass high/low stuff.
> > 6. Other:
> > All rules as enforced on us by N2002 counts... To get the full
> > understanding of what they are, watch the 'driving lessons' in N2002.
> > in doubt - listen to your spotter and follow his directions and you cant
> > wrong.
> In other words, no matter what else happens, obey your spotter.
> > 7: Every (registered) driver must use the car-number given to him upon
> > registration and the "approved" paint-job he has provided to the RASCAR
> > roster.
> Alright!
> > 8. Last but not least; think fast, be patience and drive safely. Use
> > mirrors and the 'F2-box' [F2 + Space] to keep track of your fellow
> > competitors.
> > Remember: you don't win on the first lap - you win on the last!
> > What do you guys think?
> > Comments and views are very welcomed.
> > --
> > ed_
> By the way, what's wrong with the draft I have on the roster page?
> --
> =========================================================
> Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
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> RASCAR Roster
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> Barbarian Diecast Collector (490+ cars and counting)
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> =========================================================