I think tonights race was a very good one aswell....
However upon watching the replay it's become quite clear to me that we
*must* have some sort of rulebook for RASCAR. Just this race alone I've
found atleast 3 or 4 issues that, IMHO, should never have occured.
We must have some sort of rulebook that make us all play by the same
It does not have to be big at all (I'm thinking 5-10 paragraphs/rules max)
and it can be posted here along with the race information before each event.
I've also taken the libery to make a draft:
1. All races are run with the following settings: 40% lenght - Fixed setup
("fast") - Yellows on - forced smoke - *forced***pit* - single file
restarts. Weather is fixed at 70 deg F. / no wind. For now, yellows are
turned off on roadcourses. Also, if things improve we might revert back to
double-file restarts.
2. No passing until backstraight:
You are not allowed to pass the car *in front* of you until you reach the
back-straight. This is done in an attempt to make driver relax more on
restarts and to avoid over-aggressive driving/diving into turn 1 on start /
restart. You may on the other hand pass the car above or below you on the
start, but you cannot change line until you reach the back straight.
NOTE: The only exception to this rule is if you know the car in front of you
is heavily damaged or in other kinds of troubles. You may then switch lanes
to pass it - providing this can be done safely.
3. No racing back to the line during yellows:
When a yellow is waved racing should stop and everyone should ease off and
safely make their way across the S/F-line and behind the pace-car. Be
prepared to avoid any stranded cars if needed. When there's 10 laps or less
left of the race - racing back to the line *IS* permitted.
4. Accidents:
Drivers involved in any accidents have 2 priorities:
First and formost; "Stop" or do whatever it takes to avoid causing any
damage to other cars. Secondly get their car back across the S/F-line and
into the pit without making a mess of it all. Meaning that if you
crash/spin/etc.: You have stop and let the whole field pass you - IF that's
what it takes to gurantee that you wont hit anyone once the yellow is waved.
5. During cautions/pacelaps:
Pace speed is to be uphold at all times. Every driver should try to keep
within 2-4 car-lenghts of the car infront. Pitting on restarts is *not*
permitted unless you are the *last* in line.
5. Chatting:
Everyone *must* have in-car chat enabled.
Chatting during racing is to be kept at a very minimum. However informative
chat messages/autochat that's relate to action on the track is permitted.
Chatting during yellows is permitted too, but not encouraged unless you are
comfortable with doing so.
6. Other:
All rules as enforced on us by N2002 counts... To get the full
understanding of what they are, watch the 'driving lessons' in N2002. When
in doubt - listen to your spotter and follow his directions and you cant go
7: Every (registered) driver must use the car-number given to him upon
registration and the "approved" paint-job he has provided to the RASCAR
8. Last but not least; think fast, be patience and drive safely. Use your
mirrors and the 'F2-box' [F2 + Space] to keep track of your fellow
Remember: you don't win on the first lap - you win on the last!
What do you guys think?
Comments and views are very welcomed.