I have been thinking about upgrading my system by changing videocard.
Currenly I am running a TNT2Ultra and have had my eyes on the Geforce
card lately. However I have not come to grips on which variant is best
for me. Obviously I am mainly running racing sims but at times I also
frag away with some FPS. (Quake3 etc...). So if anyone have an idea what
would be good for me I would love to hear your opinion!
P3 733 (will not change CPU in the near future)
17" monitor which only copes well at 1024*768
IMHO GPL and N4 only need 16-bit colour but other games/sims might be
better off with 32-bit so this must also be useable!
If you also know which drivers to use don't hesitate to add that info as
well ;)