Geforce 2 GTS card experienced when running demanding D3D and OpenGL
applications. Most noteable are NASCAR 4 and GPL. If I had
anything greater than 1X AGP enabled, it wasn't long before the video goes
dark and the audio goes into a repetitive looping noise. The only way out
was to reboot! Even the enabling of sidebanding at 1X made it unstable.
I was running 23.11 drivers, but I went back and tried my 12.41 drivers
for kicks. That seemed to help some, but the problem remained and was still
It wasn't my CPU overclocking, nor my old BH6 MB not being up to standards,
as some suggested. It was - as Tim White postulated - my power supply not
cutting the mustard! I replaced my 250 w job with a 300 watt unit and all
of my problems have disappeared! I'm now running AGP 4X, sideband
addressing enabled, 2x2 FSAA in D3D and OpenGL (if I desire it) and it
hasn't shut down once in 8 hours of use!
memory at 133 Mhz, giving my hard drive a proper clock, and dogs have even
quit barking at me... I am in total bliss!! :-)
A tip of the hat to Tim White... Tim, this Bud's for you :-)
John Cauthen