AMD T-bird 1ghz
768mb PC/133 CAS-2 RAM
Radeon 8500
Windows 2000 Pro/SP2
SB Live!
DirectX 8.1
Desktop is set to 32-bit color depth
GPL - latest patch but absolutely no 3rd-party graphics enhancements
(I don't recall what resolution I'm running in GPL)
My display stutters every once in a while like the game is catching up
with itself. I'm using the Direct3D renderer because the OpenGL
renderer just makes my screen go black.
It doesn't matter what track I'm at, what chassis I'm using, or anything
else - it always does this. It does it while racing, or in practice,
and also while viewing replays.
I think I remember this behavior starting when I removed my Voodoo3 card
a year or two ago, and swapping in the Radeon64 (and subsequently the
Radeon 8500).
Is there a secret setting I should be using for Direct3D, or can anyone
possibly tell me why my screen goes black when i try to use OpenGL?
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
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