cars, I run some practice laps in 800x600, getting constant 36fps with
everything on. Sound stutters a few times, nothing major. I go to a race
with 19 cars. In practice everything seems fine, I go to race, the start is
ok, then for the next 5 laps (until I crash) the game periodically freezes,
screen freezes, time stops, starts up again, stutters, starts, stutters,
keeps doing this until I finally crash. Go back to practice, runs fine
again. I thought maybe it was the problem with the mirror refresh rate, but
with a full field, the computer even stutters watching the replay from the
tv camera views. Any ideas? System is a 1000mhz P3, 128ram, geforce 2 MX
with 32mb, Turtle Beach Santa Cruz. I've only had the machine a couple
weeks, I'm assuming drivers are up to date, but how do I check version
numbers for the geforce? Thanks.
Brian Fox