Thanks Morgan! After a few days of struggling, I think I finally got it
sorted out.
I'm now back with the SBLive and all seems to be working well. Did a race
with GPL, all options maxed, and didnt'see any stutter. Did a quick race in
N4, full field, all options maxed, 1024. Much better.
Apparently I needed to shuffle the sound card around and around until I
found a sweet spot. TB goes back to the store tomorrow.
It's amazing what a misbehaving sound card can do to system performance!
I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this one out. I tried
everything on Paul's unofficial KT7A faq. I ditched WinMe. I scoured the net
for other solutions. Worst part was it would seem to be fixed, only to rear
it's ugly head in a different game or night. Crossing my fingers that I
really do have it***ed this time.
One thing this experience has taught me is that I probably am too busy (or
perhaps impatient) to build my own machines anymore. If I didn't have to
worry with the kids, job, wife, etc, I might have been able to figure it out
a long time ago. As it is, there's never enough time to try every
permutation and so you end up plugging away for during every odd half-hour
you can get and it ends up feeling like an eternity. Yuck!
> KT7A here too. Old Diamond MX300 A3D card with the latest drivers (still
the old
> 2048's). Absolutely no problems.
> --
> -------------------------------------
> Morgan Vincent Wooten
> -------------------------------------
> > Morgan, what motherboard/chipset are you using? My KT7A is pissing me
> > with these constant sound snaffus. I ditched the Live for a turtle beach
> > because it was supposedly more compatible with the chipset. But each
time I
> > reboot it seems to behave differently. Oiy. I feel like I should have
> > steared clear of VIA.
> > > No problems like that on my 1.2 AMD/GF2 GTS machine in D3D/DX8.0. Full
> > detail,
> > > 4x FSAA, full field, consistent 30+'s, no freezes.
> > > --
> > > -------------------------------------
> > > Morgan Vincent Wooten
> > >
> > > -------------------------------------