I have a Thrustmaster T2 plugged into an SB16 sound card's game port.
I have a cable modem that plugs into a nework card that is in a PCI
I believe that one of the problems associated with analog controllers
and playing online is that polling with interupts enabled can interfere
with a serial card's ability to communicate over a modem.
This being the case, I shouldn't be having a problem with this because
my cable modem works through the network card and communications won't
be affected by polling of the controller, right?
So, given my components, should I (a) have polling with interupts on or
off; and (b) should I be using direct input or generic in GPL? What is
the big difference? The T2 is analog and not digital, so I would guess
to pick generic and not have to worry about that choice interfering with
my communications.
Have I got this right?
Thanks in advance,
Gian Vitzthum
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