Hello everyone.
I'm having problems with my GP1 wheel. It seems to run Nascar1 and MTM
ok. Nascar2 works somewhat (The steering works but I have to use buttons
for brake and throttle. I can't calibrate the Y axis) and NFS SE looks
hopeless. I am using the port converter. I think my problems may stem
from my being unable to calibrate the wheel in Win95. When I turn the
wheel and apply the brake and gas the + only covers about 1/4 of the
box. The lower right hand corner only. I'm using custom 2 axis 4 button
and have tried many others. In N2 calibration it doesn't read the Y
axis. It has -1 at each end of the scale. Similarly, NFS SE doesn't read
the Y axis properly. My system is a 166 w\16 meg. I'm using the joystick
port on my sound card. Do I need the game card that Thrustmaster sells?
Does the wheel have to be calibrated in Win95 to work in a DOS game?
Thanks alot!