I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I would really
appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you associate with
the brand NASCAR?
Thanks a lot for your help,
Thanks a lot for your help,
K. Button
SnatlRake on N3
You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor
without holding on. - Dean Martin
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
- Stephen Wright
: Hi,
: I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I would
: appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you associate with
: the brand NASCAR?
: Thanks a lot for your help,
: Doug
Floor it 'til you see GOD, then turn left.
Try sitting up in turn one at C***te sometime, high enough so you can see
over the fence, looking back through the dogleg. Preferably during the the
Winston. Then come back here and tell me how it feels to you as Bobby, Jeff,
Dale and Dale come down into the turn at over 190 mph, straight at you, only a
few feet between them. I think at that moment you will truly know the meaning
of "Floor it 'til you see GOD, then turn left".
The first time I experienced that thrill was one of the most memorable moments
in my life. Your first time with anything is always special. :)
Before anyone goes off on me, I didn't come up with that catchy phrase. I saw
it in someone's sig or something. I don't remember when or where but I don't
want any credit for it, I just thought it was cool and catches the feel
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Doug
> --
> K. Button
> SnatlRake on N3
> You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor
> without holding on. - Dean Martin
> 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
> - Stephen Wright
> : Hi,
> : I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I would
> really
> : appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you associate
> : the brand NASCAR?
> :
> : Thanks a lot for your help,
> : Doug
> :
> :
>K. Button
>SnatlRake on N3
>You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor
>without holding on. - Dean Martin
>24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
> - Stephen Wright
>: Hi,
>: I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I would
>: appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you associate
>: the brand NASCAR?
>: Thanks a lot for your help,
>: Doug
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I
> really
> > appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you
associate with
> > the brand NASCAR?
> > Thanks a lot for your help,
> > Doug
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I would
> really
> > appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you associate with
> > the brand NASCAR?
> > Thanks a lot for your help,
> > Doug
Cash, Money, Dough
>K. Button
>SnatlRake on N3
>You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor
>without holding on. - Dean Martin
>24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
> - Stephen Wright
>: Hi,
>: I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I would
>: appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you associate
>: the brand NASCAR?
>: Thanks a lot for your help,
>: Doug
Beer and an inability to count to three.
Richard G. Clegg Only the mind is waving
Networks and Non-Linear Dynamics Group
Dept. of Mathematics, Uni. of York
www: http://manor.york.ac.uk/top.html
John Montes Jr.
Proud Member of Precision Racing Team