>I am trying to understand the brand of NASCAR a little more. I would really
>appreciate any help I could get. What 3 qualities would you associate with
>the brand NASCAR?
>Thanks a lot for your help,
>Thanks a lot for your help,
1) Hickory
2) Smoked
3) Beer
Graeme Nash
PS That was a joke... I like NASCAR really... just couldn't help it :-))))
Well, to me it supposed to mean great racin, but if you go to a race except
to see many many asses!
I thought NASCAR was supposed to mean "family" but it does not yet,
sighh....Maybe oneday it will!
1. Sitting in traffic for hours & hours.
2. Sunburn regardless of sunblock type & thickness.
3. Seating space smaller than airline coach.
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Before you buy.
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
> > Cash, Money, Dough
With drivers like Jeff Gordon and Dale Earnheart household names and a new
contract with NBC in place, NASCAR's popularity is soaring. What is it's
17% - Other sports, in which participants go in more than one direction at
once, too confusing
15% - Combines Southerner's two favorite race types: auto and white.
14% - Just like Smokey and the Bandit, but without all the talking.
19% - Deafening roar of gunning engines great way to drown out repressed
*** thoughts.
9% - Love Tide, want to support its car.
26% - Unlike cars on the highway, racin' cars don't keep on a-goin' 'til
they're so far away you cain't see 'em no more.
Thanks to the Onion,
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Doug
Well, from my limited European point of view my first 3 would be:
1: unknown cars fully painted with adveri***ts of unknown products
2: fast but heavy - and slowly accelerating - cars driving around on
an oval again and again and again and again and ...
3: the unknown (in Europe; you don't show them in the movies!) American
workers (the "readnecks"?)
>Thanks a lot for your help,
Nascar meens to me (European)
-stupid American autosport.
-endless moving circles in old cars
-Everybody can drive a Nascar, even with closed eyes
-So, the most boring autosport.
Playing NC-3?
Ten minutes....longest time.
In the 11th minute I lost interest.
Greets Ben