On Tue, 6 Oct 1998 21:37:30 -0700, "Tim Deatherage"
>I got my GPL last night and was able to play about an hour with it. After I
>ordered it last Wednesday, from EB, I started reading the limitations it
>has on Pentiums less than 300mhz. I have a HP P166Mmx with 32mb of memory
>with a Monster 3d card (Voodoo 1) The demos ran fine without any choppiness
>at all. Most of my other sims such as F1RS, N2, Motoracer, NHRA DR,
>Burnout, etc. etc.. run fine.
>Nevertheless, in GPL and I have not found the right balance between:
> 1. detail bias
> 2. screen resolution
> 3. number of sounds
> 4. texture usage
> 5. effects
Here's some info I sent to DoktorB as a follow-up to his survey...
Actually, it <fps> varies from about 18 to 24, so long as I stay on
the track. If I hit the rail or spin or go off, it can drop into the
single digits.
race type/mode: training
# of opponents: 0
# of sounds: 3
resolution: 640x480
detail bias: just a touch above 0 (at zero the wheels become octagons
and make me dizzy :)
trackside objects: minimal
mirror detail: minimal
effects: anti-aliasing only (a necessity, IMO, or else ICR2/N2 has
spoiled me <Rendition mode>)
any other boxes that you check/uncheck?: road surface, racing groove,
tire texture, drivers arms (I'm startin' to dig that cute
little guy :), smoke (to show lock-ups)
Also, I'm driving in <gasp> arcade view. Sad but true...
BTW, with these settings and using two joysticks (X1 for steering, Y2
for gas/brake), I've run 1:34.02 at Monza with the Eagle and nearly
(~34 gal) tanks and the default set-up. So you *can* take advantage
of the sim's driving model so long as you keep the frame rate at 20 or
more. 15 starts getting twitchy and you can get a couple steps behind
You can drive with the minimum 5 competitors, but your solo rate drops
from 18-24 to 14-18 and in traffic you get into the high single
It's enough to learn the tracks and cars and get a taste of the sim.
But I definitely want more soon. (Your full-on benchmark, as slow as
it was, had me drooling for all the details. :)
BTW, I didn't do the second benchmark, as my printer goofed up and
didn't print a few lines around step 3 of test B. I think if I turn
*everything* off (anti-aliasing is worth about 5-6 fps or 20%), I
might hit 36 fps solo, but no way of doing it with any competitors.
Test one was enough to satisfy my curiousity and get a chuckle (BTW,
I bottomed out at 0.61fps at the start, your form wasn't precise
enough to note that. :)
I'm running a P133 w/Intergraph Reactor (V1000).
The numbers above are for Monza. Recently, I've started running
Watkins Glen, which is tougher on the frame rate, particularly through
the esses.
Also, the parts for a C300A PC are on order. :)
>Tim A. Deatherage
>"Admitted Sim ***"
It's good to have you at our meeting, Tim, but no last names,
please. You've made the first step and acknowledged that you have a
problem... :)
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