

by frederickso » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 05:02:51

Bellsouth hasnt been letting me post lately, anyway...

Thunder isnt so bad. It's bad, but not so bad. First of all, the overall
presentation, from the menu's to the way you pick opponents, etc. is just
not very well thought out, and just not as useful as in Papy games. It's not
such a big deal.

The graphics are great. I dont care what anyone says, they are better than
N2002 graphics, especially if you can turn on antialiasing on your

The biggest problem in my opinion, is driving the car. It's almost as if i
have to guess how the tires are gonna react instead of having a feel for how
they'd react based on how im driving....

what i mean is in N2002, when i step on the gas the weight shifts back, and
when i brake the weight shifts forward, and the car reacts accordingly. on
NT2003, understeer and oversteer seem to be based more on pure speed than
the force on each tire. I never know if my car is gonna push or spin.

The second thing that bothers me, and more than the physics itself, is the
control of the steering wheel. It wont let you set to 0% speed sensitivity,
and its almost impossible to get your car going straight. I find myself
constantly adjusting left and right like grandma on the highway.  Then once
I do get in a turn, If i hold the wheel steady it seems like all of a sudden
my cars turning radius will change, as if i did steer, and i have to adjust
again, which tends to make my car go allover the place. In my opinion, if
the steering input functioned the same as in a Papy game, NT2003 would be a
helluva lot more fun to drive.

The best time ive had so far is on Atlanta driving in a pack of AI cars,
because from what ive seen it seems to be the only track where the banking,
car, and steering all seem to agree, so the car is a bit more predictable.

Now, all my driving has been done with the included setups, which dont seem
to be very good. Is there anywhere to download better setups ?



by Haqsa » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 05:40:03

I don't have the game yet (and probably won't get it until I see some
good mods for it) but based on the way other ISI games are set up, I
would guess that you could edit the player file to get rid of the speed
sensitivity.  It should be in your "player name" folder, which is under
the save folder, and it should have an extension of ".plr".  Edit it
with a text editor, and under the "[Driving Aids]" section set "Speed
Sensitive Steering" to 0.  When you next run the game, do not go to the
controller menu or it will probably reset it.  If you make this change
and just play the game, I think it will work.  Hope that helps.

Mike Portno


by Mike Portno » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 06:01:47

Try setting speed sensitivity to around 50 - 60%...
Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 06:24:20


If the axis sensitivity settings in NT2003 work the same as in F1 2k2 (and
it appears to me there's no reason to think they don't), then 50% is full
linear. The scale allows for both undersensitive and oversensitive.




by frederickso » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 07:16:50

but i dont think there are any axis sensitivity.... there are ones that say
digital steering, digital brake, etc...
do these function for non-keyboard ?

Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 07:27:55

That sounds like the "Controller rates" section... If the structure is
similar to F1 2k2 you should have Options - Controls, which should have
following subsections: Assigments - Controller Rates - Controller 1 -
Controller 2 - Force Feedback.

The axis sensitivities are to be found under the individual controller
sections (Controller 1 - Controller 2).




by Haqsa » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 08:44:46

He said speed sensitivity, not axis sensitivity.

Jan Verschuere


by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 08:47:23

I know Hal, but it sounded like an axis sensitivity more than a speed
sensitivity problem. If he accidentally set the axis sensitivity to a lot
less than 50% it's gonna be twitchy near TDC, no matter what he does to the
speed sensitivity slider, no?


Damien Smit


by Damien Smit » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:10:03

Actually is would be less twitchy.  Anyhow, I can't imagine driving a Nascar
with Speed Sensitivity on anything other than 0%.



by Larr » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:53:54


You need to spend a LOT of time with the controller settings.  It took me a
good 2 hours to get a handle on what to put where.

When you find the 'spot', I think you'll find it far more pleasing.

It's really quite good once you get it figured out.




by JTBur » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 10:56:38


What kind of wheel do you have ? (I assume you have a wheel), and now that
you have spent time on this, can you give us any tips on a decent setup (at
least what worked for you).

Many thanks,

> Frederickson,

> You need to spend a LOT of time with the controller settings.  It took me
> good 2 hours to get a handle on what to put where.

> When you find the 'spot', I think you'll find it far more pleasing.

> It's really quite good once you get it figured out.

> -Larry

> > Bellsouth hasnt been letting me post lately, anyway...

> > Thunder isnt so bad. It's bad, but not so bad. First of all, the overall
> > presentation, from the menu's to the way you pick opponents, etc. is
> > not very well thought out, and just not as useful as in Papy games. It's
> not
> > such a big deal.

> > The graphics are great. I dont care what anyone says, they are better
> > N2002 graphics, especially if you can turn on antialiasing on your
> > videocard.

> > The biggest problem in my opinion, is driving the car. It's almost as if
> > have to guess how the tires are gonna react instead of having a feel for
> how
> > they'd react based on how im driving....

> > what i mean is in N2002, when i step on the gas the weight shifts back,
> and
> > when i brake the weight shifts forward, and the car reacts accordingly.
> > NT2003, understeer and oversteer seem to be based more on pure speed
> > the force on each tire. I never know if my car is gonna push or spin.

> > The second thing that bothers me, and more than the physics itself, is
> > control of the steering wheel. It wont let you set to 0% speed
> sensitivity,
> > and its almost impossible to get your car going straight. I find myself
> > constantly adjusting left and right like grandma on the highway.  Then
> once
> > I do get in a turn, If i hold the wheel steady it seems like all of a
> sudden
> > my cars turning radius will change, as if i did steer, and i have to
> adjust
> > again, which tends to make my car go allover the place. In my opinion,
> > the steering input functioned the same as in a Papy game, NT2003 would
> a
> > helluva lot more fun to drive.

> > The best time ive had so far is on Atlanta driving in a pack of AI cars,
> > because from what ive seen it seems to be the only track where the
> banking,
> > car, and steering all seem to agree, so the car is a bit more

> > Now, all my driving has been done with the included setups, which dont
> seem
> > to be very good. Is there anywhere to download better setups ?

Dave Henri


by Dave Henri » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:00:26

      There was some discussion about this for F1 2k2 and as far as I can
tell, the digital sliders are all for the keyboard.  If you want to sort out
NT, then just dig through RAS and the F1 2k2 forums for controller was all hashed out pretty throroughly.
dave henrie

Damien Smit


by Damien Smit » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:16:20

No, the speed sensitivity slider is located under 'Digital Controller
Rates'.  It has a dramatic effect on analogue controllers.  The general rule
is to set it to 0% for steering wheels and 20%+ for joysticks.  I agree that
it's quite silly putting this critical setting under the digital section.



by ymenar » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 13:58:10

> I don't have the game yet (and probably won't get it until I see some
> good mods for it) but based on the way other ISI games are set up, I
> would guess that you could edit the player file to get rid of the speed
> sensitivity.  It should be in your "player name" folder, which is under
> the save folder, and it should have an extension of ".plr".  Edit it
> with a text editor, and under the "[Driving Aids]" section set "Speed
> Sensitive Steering" to 0.  When you next run the game, do not go to the
> controller menu or it will probably reset it.  If you make this change
> and just play the game, I think it will work.  Hope that helps.

But then again, you shouldn't even *have* to plow into editing by yourself a
.plr file to make it that way.  It's bad programming, bad development
choice, bad thinking.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...



by MadDAW » Thu, 24 Oct 2002 23:48:01

I'll agree with that. I started messing with it and it FUBARed my whole damn
game.  With the FF on I would get an increasing amount of kick back the
farther of center I got. It was pretty much un drivable. It was kind of cool
watching the drivers head from the TV***pit cam. Thought for sure his head
was gonna rip off a few times. :)

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