The controller settings should be used to obtain the required overall feel.
The steering lock for each trach should be used to alter the final
> functionality and speed sensitive steering.
> My TSW is immediately alive in the game. However now it is so twitchy I
> very easily. The wheel see saws back and forth. However I am happy because
> it is a starting place. A place to break away from those bogus default
> settings.
> What can I do within the controller settings screen to take away this see
> saw effects (or any other tweaks you can think of)?
> I want to be able to enjoy this game. maybe this is a start. My wheel
> finally has life.
> DC
> Steering Help="0"
> Steering Help Functionality="0" // 0 = new help, 1 = new help + grip, 2 =
> original, 3 = original + grip
> Throttle Control="0"
> Brake Help="0"
> Antilock Brakes="0"
> Spin Recovery="0"
> Invulnerability="0"
> Autopit="0"
> Auto Pace Lap="0"
> Opposite Lock="0"
> Stability Control="0"
> No AI Control="1" // AI never has control over car (except autopit and
> pace lap)
> Pitcrew Push="1" // When out of fuel in pitlane, allows pitcrew to push
> (use throttle and gear selection to direct)
> Auto Clutch="1"
> Auto Lift="0" // Whether to automatically lift with manual shifting but
> auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
> Auto Blip="1" // Whether to automatically blip with manual shifting but
> auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
> Shift Mode="0"
> Auto Reverse="0"
> Speed Sensitive Steering="0.00000"
> Half Rate="0" // 0 = super-high physics rate, 1 = normal
> Telemetry Rate="2"
> Telemetry In Race="1"
> Telemetry EXE="telemetry\nt2003_telemetry.exe"
> Telemetry File="telemetry\telemetry.spt"
> > Bellsouth hasnt been letting me post lately, anyway...
> > Thunder isnt so bad. It's bad, but not so bad. First of all, the overall
> > presentation, from the menu's to the way you pick opponents, etc. is
> > not very well thought out, and just not as useful as in Papy games. It's
> not
> > such a big deal.
> > The graphics are great. I dont care what anyone says, they are better
> > N2002 graphics, especially if you can turn on antialiasing on your
> > videocard.
> > The biggest problem in my opinion, is driving the car. It's almost as if
> > have to guess how the tires are gonna react instead of having a feel for
> how
> > they'd react based on how im driving....
> > what i mean is in N2002, when i step on the gas the weight shifts back,
> and
> > when i brake the weight shifts forward, and the car reacts accordingly.
> > NT2003, understeer and oversteer seem to be based more on pure speed
> > the force on each tire. I never know if my car is gonna push or spin.
> > The second thing that bothers me, and more than the physics itself, is
> > control of the steering wheel. It wont let you set to 0% speed
> sensitivity,
> > and its almost impossible to get your car going straight. I find myself
> > constantly adjusting left and right like grandma on the highway. Then
> once
> > I do get in a turn, If i hold the wheel steady it seems like all of a
> sudden
> > my cars turning radius will change, as if i did steer, and i have to
> adjust
> > again, which tends to make my car go allover the place. In my opinion,
> > the steering input functioned the same as in a Papy game, NT2003 would
> a
> > helluva lot more fun to drive.
> > The best time ive had so far is on Atlanta driving in a pack of AI cars,
> > because from what ive seen it seems to be the only track where the
> banking,
> > car, and steering all seem to agree, so the car is a bit more
> > Now, all my driving has been done with the included setups, which dont
> seem
> > to be very good. Is there anywhere to download better setups ?