

by Larr » Sun, 27 Oct 2002 03:09:56

Reduce the steering lock.  Don't try to adjust it out with the controller

The controller settings should be used to obtain the required overall feel.
The steering lock for each trach should be used to alter the final


> OK..I tweaked a couple of things in the .plr file. Changed steering help
> functionality   and speed sensitive steering.

> My TSW is immediately alive in the game. However now it is so twitchy I
> very easily. The wheel see saws back and forth. However I am happy because
> it is a starting place. A place to break away from those bogus default
> settings.

> What can I do within the controller settings screen to take away this see
> saw effects (or any other tweaks you can think of)?

> I want to be able to enjoy this game. maybe this is a start. My wheel
> finally has life.

> DC

> Steering Help="0"
> Steering Help Functionality="0" // 0 = new help, 1 = new help + grip, 2 =
> original, 3 = original + grip
> Throttle Control="0"
> Brake Help="0"
> Antilock Brakes="0"
> Spin Recovery="0"
> Invulnerability="0"
> Autopit="0"
> Auto Pace Lap="0"
> Opposite Lock="0"
> Stability Control="0"
> No AI Control="1" // AI never has control over car (except autopit and
> pace lap)
> Pitcrew Push="1" // When out of fuel in pitlane, allows pitcrew to push
> (use throttle and gear selection to direct)
> Auto Clutch="1"
> Auto Lift="0" // Whether to automatically lift with manual shifting but
> auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
> Auto Blip="1" // Whether to automatically blip with manual shifting but
> auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
> Shift Mode="0"
> Auto Reverse="0"
> Speed Sensitive Steering="0.00000"
> Half Rate="0" // 0 = super-high physics rate, 1 = normal
> Telemetry Rate="2"
> Telemetry In Race="1"
> Telemetry EXE="telemetry\nt2003_telemetry.exe"
> Telemetry File="telemetry\telemetry.spt"

> > Bellsouth hasnt been letting me post lately, anyway...

> > Thunder isnt so bad. It's bad, but not so bad. First of all, the overall
> > presentation, from the menu's to the way you pick opponents, etc. is
> > not very well thought out, and just not as useful as in Papy games. It's
> not
> > such a big deal.

> > The graphics are great. I dont care what anyone says, they are better
> > N2002 graphics, especially if you can turn on antialiasing on your
> > videocard.

> > The biggest problem in my opinion, is driving the car. It's almost as if
> > have to guess how the tires are gonna react instead of having a feel for
> how
> > they'd react based on how im driving....

> > what i mean is in N2002, when i step on the gas the weight shifts back,
> and
> > when i brake the weight shifts forward, and the car reacts accordingly.
> > NT2003, understeer and oversteer seem to be based more on pure speed
> > the force on each tire. I never know if my car is gonna push or spin.

> > The second thing that bothers me, and more than the physics itself, is
> > control of the steering wheel. It wont let you set to 0% speed
> sensitivity,
> > and its almost impossible to get your car going straight. I find myself
> > constantly adjusting left and right like grandma on the highway.  Then
> once
> > I do get in a turn, If i hold the wheel steady it seems like all of a
> sudden
> > my cars turning radius will change, as if i did steer, and i have to
> adjust
> > again, which tends to make my car go allover the place. In my opinion,
> > the steering input functioned the same as in a Papy game, NT2003 would
> a
> > helluva lot more fun to drive.

> > The best time ive had so far is on Atlanta driving in a pack of AI cars,
> > because from what ive seen it seems to be the only track where the
> banking,
> > car, and steering all seem to agree, so the car is a bit more

> > Now, all my driving has been done with the included setups, which dont
> seem
> > to be very good. Is there anywhere to download better setups ?



by Nic » Tue, 29 Oct 2002 22:04:25

> To be fair, that never happened at all, and you're talking out of your
> arse.

To be fair, it did happen, but as Ayrton Senna agreed it was safe,
they cannot be held to blame, apparently. Why do you think there was
that big trial? It all revolved around the steering column being
shortened. If you don't believe the wheel might have come off, then
check the in-car footage. You can't really see the wheel because it is
too dark, but you can see a little yellow button on the wheel. Just
before the camera switches out of shot, the yellow button moves to a
position where it is impossible for it to reach if the steering wheel
is properly connected. Some racing drivers such as DC have also said
this is the case. Also if you look at the pictures of the column after
the accident, then a small fraction of the fracture is consistent with
a collision, while most of it suggests that it came off before the
crash took place.

To be fair, if you can give a more likely reason (Blackout? - He was
braking all the way to the wall; Avoiding Debris? - He would have
turned back onto the racing line; Suspension Failure? - There would
have been sparks and ruts where the stops hit the track surface), then
I will consider it. But as it stands, all the public-released evidence
points to steering column failure. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.