currently have a Thrustmaster NASCAR Pro Digital and it sucks!! The drivers
are***poor and it maybe works correctly in one or two games but that's
about all. I had great luck with it under Win2000 almost 2 years ago when I
got it but since WinXP (about a year and a half ago) It has hardly been
A friend has an older Logitech non-FF wheel that has always worked fine bit
its a bit flimsy locking to the desk, its constantly falling off and my desk
has a slopped edge that would make it very difficult to use.
Force Feedback seems like kids stuff. Is it worth having or is it just a
gimmick that sounds cool. I'm not a kid, you know.
I currently play only NFSPU because its basically the only game this
Pro-Digital works with. The Midtown Madness's games are ok and of the 2 or 3
demos of some newer racing games coming out, the wheel simply does not work.
Peddles are reversed, accelerate on/off is reversed and there is no way to
change this in the game. It needs to be changed in the driver but since
Thrustmaster has NO real driver support for the wheel under XP, it can't be
done. Under Win2000 there is a nice driver control panel that lets you do
anything and everything but not so in WinXP.
So I'm planning on buying a new wheel, what do you guys recommend?