found for it are dead. :-(
GPLSCM is a prime example of a bad zip file. No readme, no instructions,
just a file users are supposed to know how to operate. I would hope that
folks skilled enough to code useful utilities would also have the leftover
brain cells to write a very short, tiny, text file that first explains what
the program does...and how it is used. Nothing fancy, difficult tech/user
problems would be better dealt with in forums, but jeez...what is GPLSCM
and what do you do with it.
dave henrie
> > Thanks Kevin!
> GPLSCM is a prime example of a bad zip file. No readme, no
> just a file users are supposed to know how to operate. I would hope that
> folks skilled enough to code useful utilities would also have the leftover
> brain cells to write a very short, tiny, text file that first explains
> the program does...and how it is used. Nothing fancy, difficult tech/user
> problems would be better dealt with in forums, but jeez...what is GPLSCM
> and what do you do with it.
> dave henrie