> Seriously, what does T/A stand for?
Trans Am...at least I'm assuming it'll be a "sim."
TSP (and company) have come along way in developing new shapes, more
so than many realize. I've posted the .3do file that the WSC cars
will be based on, and you can download it at the following:
Keep in mind that this is a preliminary shape, and that the values
for the panels aren't in yet (in other words, if you load it into the
sim, it'll be invisible).
You can, however, view the body using Marcelo's 3do Editor (available
at the TSP site), and if you care to, convert the 3do into 3dv format
for viewing in GLView. You can even go so far as converting the 3dv
model into raw format, and then reopen it in GLView...the car will have
color applied, and it'll be easier to understand where I'm going with
the shape. Let me know what you guys think, as no one else has seen it
The WSC shape on the FTP site is made up of all-new vertices, rather
than simply "moving and adjusting" the vertices from another car
(stuff learned from working on the CART set). =)
Without giving away the whole ball-o-wax, the cars will be nearly
100% new (except for the tires), and you'll be able to paint every
visible part on the car - including the dash! Because of the size
of the finished files, those with low-end computers may have a tough
time running the sim with the set (if at all)...i.e: 486.
Been very busy...You can still access the carsets (for now) using
the ftp address above. Between work and family, it's been tough to
squeeze any free time, but I hope to have the CART set (beta) ready
in a week or so, and a full-painted version released July 4th.
...and thanks for the comments on the new site format. =)
(please remove '_*_' when replying)
Sim Racing News - http://www.simnews.com
The Sim Project - http://www.simproject.com
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *