>I know this topic has been done to death a bit, but I'm still not quite
>sure, I have a Celeron 266 running at 400mhz. Which out of a voodoo2 or
>Hercules Thriller 8mb give me the best frame rate in GPL? and is there much
>in it?
My personal experience shows the Thriller 8mb to be far superior to
3dfx voodoo2. I basically run 800x 600 with all details, all ai cars
and the detail slider at 3/4 full detail and get max frame rates for
all but the starting line at the tracks that I've tried so far. I'm
running the Celeron A (with 128k cache) at 450 mhz. I have
an SLI voodoo2 setup and the only place it excels is at 1024x768 but
it doesn't get enough of a frame rate for me and I don't want to turn
off any detail. The image also literally "pales" by comparison. The
3dfx requires more cpu cycles than the Thriller and this kills it
since the AI are already putting heavy demands on the cpu. I have
confirmed this with other folks. Note that a single voodoo2 will give
a better performance value than the SLI config for all but the
1024x768 screen size due to overhead of the sli boards I guess. GPL
wants serious cpu and secondary cache resources for maximum
performance but the nice thing is that you can get all the eye-candy
the sim has to offer with our current cpus.