I run the AGP 8mg Hercules Thriller and a 3Dfx {old STB} V2
12mg cards in SLI.. The Herc's great for all Rendition base sims
and games plus many others but I do run my V2 in SLI now alot
where I only had one V2 card before! Big difference!
For me; It is 'kinda' a toss up for each game! Luckily I have the
option to switch.. I'm thinking about a Herc TNT2 Ultra {when
they come out} but I need to read more about it before I make
the investment & it'll be really hard for me to part with my Herc
Thiller but as the PCs software progress so does it's hardware!
What to do? What to do? What to do? ;O)
Cheers Thom_j.
> >It will help, but it will be incremental (25% as a SWAG?). You
> >*really* need more CPU to run GPL anywhere near its capabilities
> >(300MHz or more, 100MHz FSB preferred).
> Swag?
> > If you're still interested, the best Rendition card is the
> >V2200-based Hercules Thriller 3D, you want the 8 meg (versus 4) and
> >PCI or AGP is your preference (no speed difference).
> Does it come with any demos, or free games, like my V2 did?
> Starfleet Command
> "First there was nothing, and then it exploded - and I'm sure the
Enterprise was there to witness it!"