>My advice is don't buy this terrible game at all. The menus take a
>lifetime to load, the 3Dfx version looks like a cartoon complete with
>cardboard cut-out trees, joystick/wheel support is full of bugs, the sound
>has to heard to be believed - it's an absolute joke, the hilarious manual
>is written in pidgin English...oh, and if that's not enough, the authors of
>this thing actually want you to believe that an F1 car can't so much as
>touch a kerb at 40MPH without flying off the track as if hit by a howitzer
My advice is to completely ignore this advice :). Lets see. The
menus? Load the large installation on the HD and the menus run much
faster. They are slow if you leave them on the CD. The 3DFX version
does NOT look like a cartoon. The trees look great unless you slow
down and get real close to them in which case you can see how they are
constructed. But since 99% of the time you're flying by them, who the
hell cares?! Joystick/wheel support is flawless on my system and
excellent on the systems of most of the other people here who've tried
it. The sound is not as good as it could be, but its decent, and for
those of you don't know, they recorded a Renault V10 on the blocks for
the engine sounds. Any inaccuracies are probably due to the fact that
they should have recorded it while it was in the chassis! And the
manual is one of the best, most comprehensive manuals I've seen.
And regarding curbs? This comment is so absurdly inaccurate it isn't
funny. Both setup and proper driving will allow you to do a LOT more
than TOUCH curbs at 40 mph without losing control of the car.
Randy Magruder
Contributing Reviewer
Digital Sportspage