: DC> And to that goof telling me I'm "justifying" not giving away my
: DC> setups, I'm not justifying anything; the question was posed, "Hey
: DC> why don't you give us your setups", and I gave a clear, strong
: DC> supported answer. I can care less if you like my opinion, and it
: DC> sure as hell isn't change from your whining.
: Why so aggressive? Why all this macho posturing? If all you "fast boys"
: are sure that us novices wouldn't be able to handle your setups because
: of skill/experience/style diffrences, where's the harm? Then again why
: not just discuss the principle rather than the details of your
Again, what are you talking about? I am telling you what I did - I gave
a clear, well supported reason for why I (and basically all the record
holders) do not give away setups. The term "goof" seemed fit perfectly, I
thought, for someone who was saying I am justifying my erroneous opinion
and complains that we don't help people out when we DO, much more than
you know.
I also wanted to make crystal clear that no matter how much people
say "gimme gimme gimme, or you suck", it is not going to dissuade us
to give away complete setups.
: You know, the REALLY big people out there are the ones who can not only
: do it, but know how a bit of advice/guidance can really help a few other
Geez, for the 3rd or 4th time on this thread I'll say it again -
All of the record replays, setup and driving hints for some tracks are
at the IICC web site (http://didnt.doit.wisc.edu).
: enthusiasts too. Top riders and drivers often give instruction at race
Yes, I know, I've personally done so in motorcycle roadracing.
: schools you know! If you are THAT GOOD, are rookies like me REALLY going
: to be any threat to your apparent wonderfullness??? B-)
To answer all the questions like this, it is NOT hard for anyone to get
a really good setup, turn damage OFF, and bounce around a walled street
course (such as Toronto) to a faster time.
All IICC racers set our record times with damage ON, and weather at 75
degrees (75 deg. is a disadvantage at most tracks).
And, to inform you further, the IICC2 is currently running. Competition
in this series is EXTREME (and totally fun :)!!! For example the top
Milwaukee hotlaps are 1)182.828 2)182.661 3)182.661 4)182.430
This is damn close racing, and NOBODY is going to give out their setups
and ruin any small possible advantage they might have.
Darrel Cherry
San Jose State University - Math/Computer Science Dept.
web: http://www.isc.sjsu.edu/b/t/dcherry/public_html
Uhh, no you got the wrong number....this is 91..2
- Chief Wiggum