RASCAR LeMans Sarthe


RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Haqsa » Mon, 12 Jan 2004 08:13:56

Well as the first one out I guess I'll start the thread.  :/

First a big apology to Jan and whoever was behind him.  I did not
intentionally block you on the Mulsanne straight, I wouldn't do that.  I
should have said something at the time but when I tried to chat I hit the
wrong key and I ended up in some wierd menu.  By the time I figured it out
we had restarted.  I think what happened was that I was down on power and
didn't realize it (see next paragraph).  I let some people by and then, not
realizing something was wrong, I tried to pull back in line.  Then suddenly
you were right on top of me and I panicked and pulled to the right.  Dumb
move, apparently you were trying to pass.  It was a totally unintentional
f*ck up on my part, I'm very sorry, and I'm glad we were able to restart.

Now for a question:  why would my car be fine during practice, qual, and
happy hour but be down on power from the very start of the race?  I did not
realize it on the first start, but after somebody bumped me from behind on
the restart I started paying more attention to my speed and I noticed I
could barely get over 190 on Mulsanne.  I don't think it was a controller
problem, because I was able to hit 215 in qual.  Anyway I tried twice to fix
it in the pits but nothing helped.  Then after getting penalized once for
unsafe pit entry (yeah, I should have practiced that off line) and again for
speeding I decided to hang it up.  Also a dumb move, turns out there were
two people worse off then me.

It just has not been a good day.  I wanted to get into the 3 pm practice
race but I got tied up doing other things.  Had I been there this probably
all could have been avoided.  I swear I'm not normally this dense.  I can't
make it next week, but hopefully things will go better at Sebring on the
24th.  I will try to be more prepared.

Oops one more question:  I saw people's cars bobbing up and down vertically,
graphics disappearing for a frame, and my sound was cutting in and out.
None of this happens offline, and other than the bobbing I don't think it is
warp.  Anybody else have trouble with this track online?

Goy Larse

RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Goy Larse » Mon, 12 Jan 2004 08:31:11

> Now for a question:  why would my car be fine during practice, qual, and
> happy hour but be down on power from the very start of the race?  I did not
> realize it on the first start, but after somebody bumped me from behind on
> the restart I started paying more attention to my speed and I noticed I
> could barely get over 190 on Mulsanne.  I don't think it was a controller
> problem, because I was able to hit 215 in qual.  Anyway I tried twice to fix
> it in the pits but nothing helped.  Then after getting penalized once for
> unsafe pit entry (yeah, I should have practiced that off line) and again for
> speeding I decided to hang it up.  Also a dumb move, turns out there were
> two people worse off then me.

Every so often people seem to get schtuck with clear weather in a race
that's cloudy, never experienced it myself, but I've read about it from
other people, no damage, no calibration problem, just down on power

The bobbing up and down happens in the T/A mod when people shift gears
and it happens as you pass neutral, just like the ride height issue this
is present in the other series as well, but a lot more pronounced in the
T/A series

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--


RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by bluestringe » Mon, 12 Jan 2004 08:40:17

Ditto on the pit practice. I had no idea how to pit. Got penalized for
unsafe entrance, unsafe exit and speeding. :-(


Goy Larse

RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Goy Larse » Mon, 12 Jan 2004 08:38:15

> Now for a question:  why would my car be fine during practice, qual, and
> happy hour but be down on power from the very start of the race?  I did not
> realize it on the first start, but after somebody bumped me from behind on
> the restart I started paying more attention to my speed and I noticed I
> could barely get over 190 on Mulsanne.  I don't think it was a controller
> problem, because I was able to hit 215 in qual.  Anyway I tried twice to fix
> it in the pits but nothing helped.  Then after getting penalized once for
> unsafe pit entry (yeah, I should have practiced that off line) and again for
> speeding I decided to hang it up.  Also a dumb move, turns out there were
> two people worse off then me.

Every so often people seem to get schtuck with clear weather in a race
that's cloudy, never experienced it myself, but I've read about it from
other people, no damage, no calibration problem, just down on power

The bobbing up and down happens in the T/A mod when people shift gears
and it happens as you pass neutral, just like the ride height issue this
is present in the other series as well, but a lot more pronounced in the
T/A series

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--

Jan Verschuere

RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:00:37

That's ok... it is vitally important for a slower driver not to make any
sudden or unpredictable moves in such or a lapping situation, though.

Me too.

Strange... and doubly so seeing as the problem didn't fix itself due to the
restart. I suspect I had a similar thing going on at Thompson. In Practise I
couldn't get near my usual times, but from Qualifying onwards everything was
suddenly fine again and I was the class of the field for a while (except for
Robert, of course, but he doesn't count <vbg>).

You should never give up in these race... chances are things are going to
get pretty lonely anyway, so you might as well go for a finish.



RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Haqsa » Tue, 13 Jan 2004 03:47:36

Okay just so I can learn something from this, let's say I stayed in the
race, what would be the right way to handle oncoming traffic?  I'm down on
power, I may have lost a cylinder, so I'm not only slow on the straights but
I'm also slow coming out of the corners.  My inclination is that, regardless
of the reason, if I'm off the pace I should stay on line on the straights,
but go to the outside in the turns if somebody is trying to pass me.
Nothing that happened at LeMans has really changed my opinion, if anything
it has reinforced it.  If I had stayed on the left all the way down Mulsanne
it might have been inconvenient for some people but it would have prevented
the incident.  OTOH in real racing I see people who are laps down or off the
pace staying low on the straights.  That happens a lot in NASCAR and that's
why I was conflicted about what was expected of me.  You guys mostly do
NASCAR races so I was concerned that I would be expected to do things the
NASCAR way.  But I don't think this is a good idea because it creates a
potential problem when I reach a turn and I need to let people through on
the bottom - I would have to cross from inside to outside which means
crossing the line of traffic.  Bad idea, especially when the "objects in
mirror are closer than they appear" effect is so bad in NR 2003 that I am
usually not aware that somebody is behind me until they are about to hit me.
(I am using the F2 display but people who are more than a second behind me
don't seem to show in my mirrors at all, which makes me question the
validity of the gaps shown in the F2 display.)  I would like to hear, not
just from Jan but from any experienced sim racer, what they think is the
right thing to do in this situation.

Peter Ive

RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Peter Ive » Tue, 13 Jan 2004 04:24:37

I personally would stick to the normal racing line, apart from when
exiting a corner with a faster driver behind me, where I would want to
keep to the inside, allowing cars at normal pace to be able to exit at
the best possible acceleration and using the more ideal line.  Once I
was able to, I would pull back over to the normal racing line.

If someone wants to overtake me on the straight, or braking for the
corner, then they can move to my inside and, if through the corner, I
would be happy to drive around the outside in those situations where a
faster driver has taken the inside.

I think this results in as little need to keep crossing from one side of
the track to the other, aka 'the moving chicane'.  :)
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
Remove ALL_STRESS before replying via email
If you know what's good for you, don't listen to me :)
GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -25.01


RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by bluestringe » Tue, 13 Jan 2004 06:12:36

> Okay just so I can learn something from this, let's say I stayed in the
> race, what would be the right way to handle oncoming traffic?  I'm down on
> power, I may have lost a cylinder, so I'm not only slow on the straights
> I'm also slow coming out of the corners.  My inclination is that,
> of the reason, if I'm off the pace I should stay on line on the straights,
> but go to the outside in the turns if somebody is trying to pass me.
> Nothing that happened at LeMans has really changed my opinion, if anything
> it has reinforced it.  If I had stayed on the left all the way down
> it might have been inconvenient for some people but it would have
> the incident.  OTOH in real racing I see people who are laps down or off
> pace staying low on the straights.  That happens a lot in NASCAR and
> why I was conflicted about what was expected of me.  You guys mostly do
> NASCAR races so I was concerned that I would be expected to do things the
> NASCAR way.  But I don't think this is a good idea because it creates a
> potential problem when I reach a turn and I need to let people through on
> the bottom - I would have to cross from inside to outside which means
> crossing the line of traffic.  Bad idea, especially when the "objects in
> mirror are closer than they appear" effect is so bad in NR 2003 that I am
> usually not aware that somebody is behind me until they are about to hit
> (I am using the F2 display but people who are more than a second behind me
> don't seem to show in my mirrors at all, which makes me question the
> validity of the gaps shown in the F2 display.)  I would like to hear, not
> just from Jan but from any experienced sim racer, what they think is the
> right thing to do in this situation.

> > ... it is vitally important for a slower driver not to make any
> > sudden or unpredictable moves in such or a lapping situation, though.

> <snip>

> > You should never give up in these race... chances are things are going
> > get pretty lonely anyway, so you might as well go for a finish.

> > Jan.
> > =---

I stay in the racing line and keep watching my mirror. I try to wait for a
good place to let the faster car pass without causing a problem, but you
don't want to hold them up too long. At the end of the long straight before
the hard right was a good place, I just got over to the right and braked
early and gave the outside to the faster car. One thing you can do is use
the chat to let the driver know if you want him to pass high or low. I was
well off the pace, but I just keep at it for points and tried to stay out
the way. The other drivers will learn your style after a few races.



RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Larr » Thu, 15 Jan 2004 03:13:37

We saw some truly weird random damage incidents during Qual.  Not sure about
during the race itself.

My car was built like a tank for the race.  And it was a good thing :)

I actually believe I fell asleep at one point!

A couple of times I forgot where I was and set up for the corner completely
wrong, and went flying off the track.

I'll take 9th, and give back change :)



RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Larr » Thu, 15 Jan 2004 03:15:04

I blew the pint entrance by a good 20 yards, so don't feel bad :)

I was afraid to back up to go between the cones.  Thought the silly thing
might DQ me.

And there was no way I could do another lap.  I was dry.


> > Well as the first one out I guess I'll start the thread.  :/

> > First a big apology to Jan and whoever was behind him.  I did not
> > intentionally block you on the Mulsanne straight, I wouldn't do that.  I
> > should have said something at the time but when I tried to chat I hit
> > wrong key and I ended up in some wierd menu.  By the time I figured it
> > we had restarted.  I think what happened was that I was down on power
> > didn't realize it (see next paragraph).  I let some people by and then,
> not
> > realizing something was wrong, I tried to pull back in line.  Then
> suddenly
> > you were right on top of me and I panicked and pulled to the right.
> > move, apparently you were trying to pass.  It was a totally
> > f*ck up on my part, I'm very sorry, and I'm glad we were able to

> > Now for a question:  why would my car be fine during practice, qual, and
> > happy hour but be down on power from the very start of the race?  I did
> not
> > realize it on the first start, but after somebody bumped me from behind
> > the restart I started paying more attention to my speed and I noticed I
> > could barely get over 190 on Mulsanne.  I don't think it was a
> > problem, because I was able to hit 215 in qual.  Anyway I tried twice to
> fix
> > it in the pits but nothing helped.  Then after getting penalized once
> > unsafe pit entry (yeah, I should have practiced that off line) and again
> for
> > speeding I decided to hang it up.  Also a dumb move, turns out there
> > two people worse off then me.

> > It just has not been a good day.  I wanted to get into the 3 pm practice
> > race but I got tied up doing other things.  Had I been there this
> > all could have been avoided.  I swear I'm not normally this dense.  I
> can't
> > make it next week, but hopefully things will go better at Sebring on the
> > 24th.  I will try to be more prepared.

> > Oops one more question:  I saw people's cars bobbing up and down
> vertically,
> > graphics disappearing for a frame, and my sound was cutting in and out.
> > None of this happens offline, and other than the bobbing I don't think
> is
> > warp.  Anybody else have trouble with this track online?

> Ditto on the pit practice. I had no idea how to pit. Got penalized for
> unsafe entrance, unsafe exit and speeding. :-(

> bluestringer

Tim Paulli

RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Tim Paulli » Thu, 15 Jan 2004 12:32:29

I think I win the bonehead of the week award.  Misjudged the turn, got hung
up.  I got bored sitting there so stupid me calls for the Tow Truck.  6min,


> We saw some truly weird random damage incidents during Qual.  Not sure
> during the race itself.

> My car was built like a tank for the race.  And it was a good thing :)

> I actually believe I fell asleep at one point!

> A couple of times I forgot where I was and set up for the corner
> wrong, and went flying off the track.

> I'll take 9th, and give back change :)

> -Larry

> > Well as the first one out I guess I'll start the thread.  :/

> > First a big apology to Jan and whoever was behind him.  I did not
> > intentionally block you on the Mulsanne straight, I wouldn't do that.  I
> > should have said something at the time but when I tried to chat I hit
> > wrong key and I ended up in some wierd menu.  By the time I figured it
> > we had restarted.  I think what happened was that I was down on power
> > didn't realize it (see next paragraph).  I let some people by and then,
> not
> > realizing something was wrong, I tried to pull back in line.  Then
> suddenly
> > you were right on top of me and I panicked and pulled to the right.
> > move, apparently you were trying to pass.  It was a totally
> > f*ck up on my part, I'm very sorry, and I'm glad we were able to

> > Now for a question:  why would my car be fine during practice, qual, and
> > happy hour but be down on power from the very start of the race?  I did
> not
> > realize it on the first start, but after somebody bumped me from behind
> > the restart I started paying more attention to my speed and I noticed I
> > could barely get over 190 on Mulsanne.  I don't think it was a
> > problem, because I was able to hit 215 in qual.  Anyway I tried twice to
> fix
> > it in the pits but nothing helped.  Then after getting penalized once
> > unsafe pit entry (yeah, I should have practiced that off line) and again
> for
> > speeding I decided to hang it up.  Also a dumb move, turns out there
> > two people worse off then me.

> > It just has not been a good day.  I wanted to get into the 3 pm practice
> > race but I got tied up doing other things.  Had I been there this
> > all could have been avoided.  I swear I'm not normally this dense.  I
> can't
> > make it next week, but hopefully things will go better at Sebring on the
> > 24th.  I will try to be more prepared.

> > Oops one more question:  I saw people's cars bobbing up and down
> vertically,
> > graphics disappearing for a frame, and my sound was cutting in and out.
> > None of this happens offline, and other than the bobbing I don't think
> is
> > warp.  Anybody else have trouble with this track online?

David G Fishe

RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by David G Fishe » Fri, 16 Jan 2004 06:49:43

Track: Sarthe '67
Date: 01/10/04

Session: Practice

      P  #  DRIVER  TIME
      1  19  DaveGF  3:07.381
      2  6  Neil__C  3:07.559
      3  311  Dick-Trickle  3:07.925
      4  27  BOster  3:09.573
      5  103  JurjenvanderLelij  3:09.653
      6  15  bfarmer  3:10.144
      7  3  TNA Loan  3:11.417
      8  1  Mitch_A  3:11.460
      9  11  seery  3:11.628
      10  17  j_verschue_RAS  3:13.038
      11  12  Haqsau  3:13.115
      12  98  LTB-Racer  3:13.487
      13  66  s_brunt  3:14.979
      14  40  mcewena  3:15.585
      15  42  bluestringer  3:16.886
      16  03  ShepherdRAS  3:18.123
      17  170  joonjoonli  4:03.528

Weather: Clear, 70 F, North 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

      P  #  DRIVER  TIME
      1  311  Dick-Trickle  3:07.417
      2  6  Neil__C  3:07.538
      3  103  JurjenvanderLelij  3:08.596
      4  27  BOster  3:09.372
      5  3  TNA Loan  3:10.347
      6  321  Mitch_A  3:12.204
      7  322  LTB-Racer  3:13.561
      8  19  DaveGF  3:14.508
      9  15  bfarmer  3:15.726
      10  12  Haqsau  3:16.236
      11  66  s_brunt  3:16.976
      12  40  mcewena  3:20.171
      13  03  ShepherdRAS  3:21.354
      14  42  bluestringer  --
      15  323  joonjoonli  --
      16  17  j_verschue_RAS  --
      17  2  tpaullin  --
      18  11  seery  --
      19  9  Don_Wilshe  --
      20  1  Mitch_A  --
      21  170  joonjoonli  --
      22  49  ZZBusch  --
      23  98  LTB-Racer  --

Weather: Clear, 70 F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour

      P  #  DRIVER  TIME

Weather: Clear, 70 F, North 0 mph

Session: Race

      1  1  311  Dick-Trickle  157.879  22  19*  185  Running
      2  2  6  Neil__C  -25.57  22  3  175  Running
      3  8  19  DaveGF  -41.26  22  0  165  Running
      4  6  321  Mitch_A  -1:39.98  22  0  160  Running
      5  5  3  TNA Loan  -1:46.80  22  0  155  Running
      6  3  103  JurjenvanderLelij  -2:10.99  22  0  150  Running
      7  16  17  j_verschue_RAS  -2:45.33  22  0  146  Running
      8  4  27  BOster  -2:56.62  22  0  142  Running
      9  7  322  LTB-Racer  -3:10.33  22  0  138  Running
      10  9  15  bfarmer  -1L  21  0  134  Running
      11  11  66  s_brunt  -1L  21  0  130  Running
      12  13  03  ShepherdRAS  -1L  21  0  127  Running
      13  18  11  seery  -1L  21  0  124  Running
      14  14  42  bluestringer  -2L  20  0  121  Running
      15  17  2  tpaullin  -5L  17  0  118  Running
      16  15  323  joonjoonli  -15L  7  0  115  Retired
      17  12  40  mcewena  -15L  7  0  112  Retired
      18  10  12  Haqsau  -17L  5  0  109  Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)
Lead Changes: 4 (2 drivers)
Weather: Clear, 70 F, North 0 mph
Pitstop Frequency: 1x

Dave Henri

RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Dave Henri » Fri, 16 Jan 2004 07:24:02

        Bobbing is exagerated motion of the brakes/down-shifting of the car.
  For some reason it is more pronounced when online.  Just a quirk of the papy
sims.  Graphics disappearing?  Is that trackside graphics or the other online
  Finally, LeSarthe has a problem with the walls and damage.  All it takes is a
tiny scrape and your engine will be toast.   Also the track seems to
over-exagerate engine damage.  I ran some practice laps there and was shifting
at the 8k rev limit.  Just as I began my first hotlap the power dropped way down.
I could only pull 135 in third...not even enough oomph to pull 4th gear on the
Mulsaane.   So I 'think' the engine was pre-paring to handgrenade.  Went back
out and shifted at 7500 and suffered no engine meltdown.  
Noonan has been advised of these problems...but I don't know if he plans on
updating LeSarthe.

dave henrie


RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Haqsa » Fri, 16 Jan 2004 13:20:20

It happened so quick I'm not sure exactly what it was.  It wasn't the cars.
Either the***pit graphics were blinking in and out of the track graphics
were.  All I know is everything changed for one quick frame and then it was
back to normal.  Only happened a couple of times, during practice.


RASCAR LeMans Sarthe

by Larr » Sat, 17 Jan 2004 00:12:19

You running a Radeon ?


> It happened so quick I'm not sure exactly what it was.  It wasn't the
> Either the***pit graphics were blinking in and out of the track graphics
> were.  All I know is everything changed for one quick frame and then it
> back to normal.  Only happened a couple of times, during practice.

> >  Graphics disappearing?  Is that trackside graphics or the other online
> > cars? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.