I can tell you right now you will have nothing for graphics in F1C2K with a
P2 400...I have a P3 600 and need to turn details to the bare minimum to get
a decent frame rate. I like GP3 with the patches better anyway but have
always been a fan of the Ubisoft games too. I think there are demos out for
all three so why don't you try them out for a week or so and by that time
F1CS will be out and you can have your pick of the three.
I think you can't go wrong with either of them, I think they're both
great games. Only if you have a force feedback wheel should GP3 come in
fornt, but otherwise go for the screenshots :). Performance wise,
they're about at the same level, and your machine should handle both at
slightly reduced graphics levels.
As another poster said, if you really feel you need to own only one F1
sim, I'd wait for the release of the F1 Racing Championship by UbiSoft,
it could also be at the level of the two titles you mentioned, and
probably surpass both of them in some respects.
Based on the demo of F1 RC and some early reports, I still think GP3
will have the final edge in terms of overall impression, though. But
opinions differ wildy on this newsgroup, and rightfully so.
> I'm trying to decide between GP 3 and F1 Championship 2000. Graphics aren't
> my biggest priority. I'm looking for the game which has the best gameplay,
> a fairly realistic physics model and competitive ai.
> My system specs are:
> P2 400
> 96MB ram
> Voodoo 3 2000 agp
Also, if you haven't done so, give GPL a try - but you might find
that it is by far the best racing simulation.
I'm a big fan of F12000CS and GP3, but I'm sure F1RC will beat them all.
David G Fisher
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If it will run on your system and you get it cheap, try F1CS2K.
> > I'm trying to decide between GP 3 and F1 Championship 2000. Graphics
> aren't
> > my biggest priority. I'm looking for the game which has the best
> gameplay,
> > a fairly realistic physics model and competitive ai.
> > My system specs are:
> > P2 400
> > 96MB ram
> > Voodoo 3 2000 agp
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> http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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David G Fisher
Errr... thanks for sharing.. :)
Uh, wrong newsgroup David...
> David G Fisher
> > Are you nuts,i had a P2 400 196 ram and GeForce2 MX and GP3 wasn't
> at
> > all under rain or at the start of a race.And i don't have much + with my
> > "new" Cel.600...Smooth my ass..