Its your choice to replace it with a DVD Burner instead of with a DVD Drive
Don't compare apples to oranges, two different things that do not cost the
While I do not agree with calling him sad for not having a DVD Drive, using
a DVD Burner as an example does not pertain to this.
I also have to wonder, pc gamers can pay 5x (sometimes up to 8x to 10x more)
the amount of a DVD drive for a Graphics Card but then complain about the
cost of a DVD drive? Especially when the DVD drive is a general use item
that will be used for many things other than loading a game that they bought
> What a sad bunch you lot are. thinking someone is a loser or pitiful
> because they can't keep up with the latest hardware!! a dvd drive here
> Australia aint cheep. If I'm going to replace my cd burner, I want a dvd
> burner. they're a little more in price. I'm looking at $200 in my area.
> Considering I earn $400 a week, before tax, those things are utter
> Think fellas. Not everyone has disposable income.
> Steve
> > Good grief DVD drives only cost 17 its not that much to bring your
> machine
> > up to date.
> > > Guess they don't want too many sales do they? I was on the fence about
> > > buying this one. Then I saw it was only $30 (nice) but..I only saw a
> > > version?!! I don't care at this point to spend another $50 having to
> > > a cheap DVD drive along with it. So I passed on it.
> > > I'm surprised they aren't offering both CD and DVD formats like some
> > > other games.
> > > DVD driver are becoming the standard but they are not THE standard yet
> > > CodeMasters.
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