Just got NASCAR2 for Christmas and I am having a few problems (probably driver
1. I run into the walls all the time going around turns. The front of the car just seems
to snow plow right into them (understere?) I am using a wheel and pedals. The wheel
seems to be very, very responsive. Lowering the lock to about 8% doesn't seem
to make a big improvement but using ARCADE mode does. Is it the car or me? What
do I have to set up on the car to lessen understere (or is it overstere?) Perhaps
I am not braking enough yet when I do brake I seem to slow down too much.
2. Where can I get one zip file of setups for all tracks? The sites I have seen so far
require you to download 16 files!
3. Even when I don't crash into a wall, the other drivers out run me as if I am standing
still (on all the tracks I have tried so far). Are the default setups for each track
any good?
4. Do these cars have posi-traction? If so, why do I fishtail when I peel out?
Joe Cacciatore