>% All,
>% I am trying to setup a T2 to work in Nascar 2 with BGN
>% expansion pack. Running Win95 I can calibrate the wheel as Joystick 1
>% in Windows and in Nascar2 but when I select Wheel on the right and
>% then on the left side I select each different setting for Gas, Brake
>% and Steering it comes up as Joystick 2 instead of Joystick 1.
>% Anyone know how I can correct this?
>It sounds like N2 has got itself all confused. Try deleting the
>calib.val and controls.cfg files in the main NASCAR2 directory and the
>fire up the program, calibrating first and then selecting control
Try turning off your computer, then unplug your T2 and start your PC back up.
Set your controls for keyboard and take a quick lap. Then exit and turn off
your PC and plug your T2 back in.
Start the PC up again and set the controls for wheel and peddals and it
should fix itself. I had that happen to me on SODA and thats how I fixed it.
Hope it works for you.