my race didn't go so well. Into turn 11 and 14 I wasn't able to keep near
the pace that I was before with stability enabled.
Got into third on the start, got punted off, then got hit by lag into turn 4
a few laps later and went off...then going into turn 1 I got dive bombed and
was knocked back a place. Then my car just started to act wierd. Spun going
down the front straight (while going straight no less), and then went off a
few more times for no apparent reason. When I went into the pits, F1C
decided to crash, so I was done.
A couple of notes:
Maybe we should re-enable damage? I had a few people crash into me for no
apparent reason. On a more personal note I'd like to have stabilty control
enabled, but I know that'll probably even up the field a bit too much.
On people that are moving over. Don't. I'm not lapping you, you don't need
to stop on the track. Keep your line and maybe let off the throttle a bit. I
had a ferrari (eldred?) go way out of his way to try and get out of my way
and this actually caused more problems then if he had just stayed on line.
You're here to race too, so even if you're slower, you don't need to destroy
your race to make mine slightly easier.
What percentage races are we running? That would help me out a tad on fuel
milage so I'm not constantly asking you guys whats up.
What race are we going to run in two weeks? Also, if/when we decide, could
you post a link to the track so those without it aren't kept out of the