>What's going to be special about this version?
>Is it just supposed to run faster (better frame rates)
>or is it something else also?
>Also, is the Matrox Millenium card still tops in ***?
>Am buying new system & want to get the best of everything if possible
>Thanks, Hank
From what I've heard, the Rendition version of ICR2 will run full detail in
SVGA at frame rates significantly higher than 30 fps on a stock Pentium 90.
Sierra On-line is committed to selling a version of the board themselves,
so it's pretty obvious that Papyrus will have "orders" to support it. Not
to mention that they've already said they are going to support it. Given
that, I'm holding out for a Rendition board. Sierra is supposed to ship
theirs in November.
Dave (davids) Sparks
Late Night League