(it's only 60K), located in the directory pub/sabata/www/files, at
ftp.webcom.com. There's been a lot of discussion on the flight-sim
group about the results this program provides, and I'd like to see a
bit of discussion about that here too. I'm getting only 58.8 fps with
my P-90, and according to what I'm reading in the flight-sim group,
that number is far short of what I should be getting, so I'd like to
see some discussion here as to what can be done to improve the
results. My brother and I both have Quantex P-90's, and yet I can
tell that VGA NASCAR is just slightly smoother on his machine. And
running 3D-bench confirms that he is getting a figure much higher than
mine. What fps are other folks getting? What have you 'tweaked' to
improve that figure? etc., etc... Try running it after booting your
system 'dry'.
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