Hi all,
With all this talk of 3D and frame rates and all details on, I feel like
I'm paddling my canoe alongside a pack of thunderboats. After all, my
P200 is a couple of months old now and ready to be sold as a boat
anchor, and my Virge 3D card is merely protecting my PCI slot from dust
buildup! <g>
Seriously though, I'm considering a 3D card, but I don't want to jump
into something I'll regret, and spend my 1997 racing money unwisely.
After visiting Sierra's Screamin' 3D page, and reading the article in
the latest Interaction "magazine" (=very large ad brochure for Sierra
products), it's clear that the Screamin' 3D is a superior card, and we
should thank Sierra for providing this service to us.
Ken Williams "King Sierra" - "As a public service (more than a
business), we took the initiative to find the one {3D card} that we most
recommend and put our name on it." -Intergraph, Holiday 1996 Issue
Ok, so maybe I DO need a 3D card, but which one is the best value (the
Screamin' 3D does come with 3 games I wouldn't mind owning). Most
importantly, will it make that much difference compared to what I have
now, and will it affect my Windows95 video performance (since I actually
use my computer for BUSINESS and PRODUCTIVITY sometimes.
This is my system. If anyone out there has my configuration and a 3D
card, or just some experience with this new gadget, I'd love some
Dell Dimension XPS200
#9 Reality 332 Virge 3D 2MB
3.2 Gig HD
Games I waste most of my time on:
1. Nascar2
2. Nascar
3. Duke Nukem 3D
Sorry if this post has approached binary proportions. Please no
bincancel requests. I just wanted to provide as much info as possible
to maximize the probability of a response.
See ya!
My Nascar2 site, in its infancy, at: