I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.


I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by ymenar » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Fuji Sartono wrote

Well. I don't really see if this is a question but...

Take GPL as mastering a real-life racecar. I've never seen somebody get in a
F1600 and start his first lap pedal to the metal. He needs to understand the
car, the reactions, where the limits are, etc..

This should be applied at the same extent to a 1967 Formula 1 car. I doubt
in real life we would all take the Curva Grande at the speed we are doing in
GPL if we had a chance of getting in the car. We would probably be really
slow and easy on the brakes. Start by doing this with GPL. Don't be ashamed
to run laps 10, even 20secs slower depending on the lengths (or 2mins slower
at the 'Ring ;-D ).

Racing is a thinking man's game...

;-)   Good luck, still if you feel GPL is a little too hard for your racing
skills and abilities (witch is normal, not everybody is good at racing as
not everybody is good at Baseball), there is plenty of other types of racing
games that can easily suit your needs...

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Sponsored by
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--

Fuji Sarton

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Fuji Sarton » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00


I've read numerous threads here suggesting that GPL is a little too
realistic and too hard to play.


I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Devo » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

So are you saying that you think it's too hard, or that you've read that
it's too hard?  Myself, I find it extremely challenging.  My goal is to
be able to race fast without sliding all around.  I've seen the hot laps
by the best around, and I've seen the AI in the beta.  Quite a

It will take some time.  But, hey.  That's what keeps me coming back!



I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Kurt » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Maybe that's why not everyone could be World Champion in 1967.  They don't
call it that for nothing.



I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by blue » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:44:49 +0800, Fuji Sartono


>I've read numerous threads here suggesting that GPL is a little too
>realistic and too hard to play.

Yeah, it's kind of tough to learn, and right when you first go out and
can't even keep the car on the road going in a straight f---ing LINE,
for Chrissake, it can seem like a bit much. I have raced most of the
good racing games and am a fairly hot stick on a good day, and this
one knocked me on my ***at first. But if you give it a few good
hours and pay attention to what the car wants to do, the lap times
start dropping all by themselves and you start just driving fast.

Whether you enjoy it depends on how much time you want to put into it.
I have several "arcade" driving games on my 'puter because not every
time I sit down do I feel like immersing myself that deeply in the
experience. So, I'll bash around Need for Speed (the first one) for
about 20-30 minutes and thoroughly enjoy myself, and that's enough
right at that particular time.

So, yeah, it's as realistic as current software and hardware will
allow a computer game to be, and it is pretty hard, but that's its
strong point. You just have to decide if you want to put that much
time into it.


Byron Forbe

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

It depends entirely on your previous experience and how determined you are to become
fast ie how many hours you put in.

> Hello,

> I've read numerous threads here suggesting that GPL is a little too
> realistic and too hard to play.

 Byron Forbes
 Captain of Team Lightning Bolt


Byron Forbe

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Byron Forbe » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:44:49 +0800, Fuji Sartono

> >Hello,

> >I've read numerous threads here suggesting that GPL is a little too
> >realistic and too hard to play.

> Yeah, it's kind of tough to learn, and right when you first go out and
> can't even keep the car on the road going in a straight f---ing LINE,
> for Chrissake, it can seem like a bit much. I have raced most of the
> good racing games and am a fairly hot stick on a good day, and this
> one knocked me on my ***at first. But if you give it a few good
> hours and pay attention to what the car wants to do, the lap times
> start dropping all by themselves and you start just driving fast.

   Good points. Two things critical to good laps in GPL and consistant driving are never
applying full throttle unless the car is pointed straight, on smooth racetrack and in 2nd
gear or higher (and warmed up tyres). Also, DO NOT LOCK THE BRAKES! Particularly into that
friggin right hand hairpin at Rouen! :))
Jim Sokolof

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Jim Sokolof » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> Take GPL as mastering a real-life racecar. I've never seen somebody
> get in a F1600 and start his first lap pedal to the metal.

I guess you didn't come to Lime Rock with the Papyrus gang for the
three-day school, then? :-)


Randy Cassid

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Randy Cassid » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

And, as I recall, (some of us) had a not entirely dissimilar experience to
what happens in GPL when one does this :-(  Fortunately there was no
liability for car damage during the school :-)


> > Take GPL as mastering a real-life racecar. I've never seen somebody
> > get in a F1600 and start his first lap pedal to the metal.

> I guess you didn't come to Lime Rock with the Papyrus gang for the
> three-day school, then? :-)

> ---Jim

John Walla

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by John Walla » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Nouveau Monde? It's a lovely little corner isn't it :-)


Jim Sokolof

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Jim Sokolof » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> > > Take GPL as mastering a real-life racecar. I've never seen somebody
> > > get in a F1600 and start his first lap pedal to the metal.
> > I guess you didn't come to Lime Rock with the Papyrus gang for the
> > three-day school, then? :-)
> And, as I recall, (some of us) had a not entirely dissimilar
> experience to what happens in GPL when one does this :-( Fortunately
> there was no liability for car damage during the school :-)

True, but the real thing hurts more, it takes a long time to limp back
to the pits instead of just hitting shift-R, and you get a royal
chewing out from Bruce McGinnis. :-( Plus, no cool replays from
multiple angles... :-)

On balance, I think I'll get my fix from GPL for a while, thanks!


Byron Forbe

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by Byron Forbe » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

My most hated piece of track in any sim to date at this point! :) There seems to be such
a fine line between overly conservative and overly aggresive ie into those damned tyres!
Gunna need a lot o' laps here just for that section!

> >Also, DO NOT LOCK THE BRAKES! Particularly into that
> >friggin right hand hairpin at Rouen! :))

> Nouveau Monde? It's a lovely little corner isn't it :-)

> Cheers!
> John

 Byron Forbes
 Captain of Team Lightning Bolt


John Walla

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by John Walla » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Yep, a LOT of laps. I've run many, many laps at Rouen, and while I can
pretty much manage the corner when I'm driving normally, on a hotlap
this corner is an adventure every single time! Downhill, _heavy_
braking and on a sharp left-right with wicked kerbs - Mmmmm :-)


L. Andre Min

I know that GPL is a SIM .. but it's just too hard.

by L. Andre Min » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> True, but the real thing hurts more, it takes a long time to limp back
> to the pits instead of just hitting shift-R, and you get a royal
> chewing out from Bruce McGinnis. :-( Plus, no cool replays from
> multiple angles... :-)

> On balance, I think I'll get my fix from GPL for a while, thanks!

> ---Jim

Hmmmm... sounds like the voice of experience, eh Jim?  ;-)

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