> > True, but the real thing hurts more, it takes a long time to limp
> > back to the pits instead of just hitting shift-R, and you get a
> > royal chewing out from Bruce McGinnis. :-( Plus, no cool replays
> > from multiple angles... :-)
> Hmmmm... sounds like the voice of experience, eh Jim? ;-)
involved in some "agricultural racing incidents", several of which
unfortunately terminated in a tire wall...
(Fortunately, my incident was a "freebie" since it happened in the
school. Though I had several close calls during the "pay as you wreck"
days [spinning down the front straight between two cars and the pit
dividing wall at over 80mph while attempting to pass "Banana George"
in the rain was one that I was sure was going to cost me well into
four figures...] I didn't hit anyone/thing, but as you can imagine I
was black-flagged for a little talking to... :-) )
I can't recommend the Skip Barber 3-day school enough. (I have nothing
bad to say about Jim Russell or Bob Bondurant, or any of the other
competing schools, but I can say that Skip's program is fantastic for
the boy-racers in all of us.)