I have a couple questions for anyone that has the retail version, these are
questions I have after playing a beta(legal, I won it from Next-Generation).
It is fun, nothing like blasting through a crowded intersection at 130mph or
forcing one of those annoying Beetles into the back of a bus, Muahahaha!
Haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I am worried it will get old rather
1. Is the '99 Mustang GT only a 4-speed in the full version like it is in
beta(What is up with that)? Also is it very twitchy to drive compared to
other cars?
2. Does the Beetle sound and run like it has a V-8? In the beta it will
run with the Caddy and Mustang, yeah right!
3. Are the cops still Kamikaze and will only chase after you. Nothing more
frustrating than passing the last checkpoint while leading only to get
t-boned by a copper.
4. Biggest question, is there a replay mode?