> First of all, thanks for the comprehensive answer. Further comments
> below.
> >> I downloaded the demo last night and have a few questions for those
> >> who own the game:
> >> - Is the framerate in the retail version as bad as in the demo? I have
> >> a machine that runs GPL at steady 36 fps (with the few usual
> >> exceptions), but MM runs with an apparently pretty bad framerate, even
> >> if I turn off a lot of detail and use a low resolution. (K6-2 400, V3
> >> 2000 AGP).
> >It runs the same as the full version, which is glass smooth (+40 FPS
> >be a estimate) on my machine with all details to the max on 1024x768 on a
> >TNT, PII 400, 128 MB RAM.
> Hmm. I wonder how this happens. I have 96MB of RAM, so that should
> suffice. Maybe the combination of an AMD chip and a 3dfx card is not
> as suited for this game? I found that the rearview mirror eats a lot
> of fps (known 3dfx problem). If I turn it off, things get better. Is
> there a way to measure the actual fps rate?
Well, it may be the AMD chip that's slowing it down. The 3DFX card (I have
SLI Voodoo2s) isn't that great for this game. It runs kinda choppier than my
TNT. It's either the latest TNT driver is really sped up on the Direct3D
end, or you should choose a lower texture quality to compensate for the
Voodoo2's lmited texture memory.
Ahh, but Midotwn Madness DID run really choppy on my system, so I know what
you're feeling, but when the newer TNT drivers came out, it solved that
problem. Also, make sure nothing is running in the background, and if you
really need to, press 'W' to go to wide screen mode and it may speed the
game up. And if you're in driver seat mode, bring up the dashboard by
pressing 'D' and it may speed up the game.
Well, you can drive a police car (a souped up Mustang I think) in the full
game and elude police chases (they won't chase you), but nope, there is no
tax office in this game.
Wow, PM is so old, that the theater near where I am stopped showing it, he.
As a reference point, MM came out in early May to some parts of the U.S.,
officially released in June everywhere else.
Cost about $40 US, though places started selling for $38 US, etc.
No replay options. The system is bogged down enough already just running the
game as is and you want to eat up CPU cycles to track 100 different entities
at any moment (traafic car movement, prop movement, pedestrian movements,
traffic light signals, etc.) for an exact replay? The repaly files would be
> --
> Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.