> > Subject: Re: F1RS: Understeer problems
> > Oh I get it. Even though the tires are turned to the max lock they still
> > have too little traction to stick. So it is like sliding on ice and not
> > turning.
> No...what I meant was that too much lock was applied in the first place
> and
> because of that the front tyres started to slide, and adding more lock
> makes
> it worse. It's difficult to explain, but imagine you're driving a road
> car in
> the wet, and you come to a tight turn. You turn in and the car goes
> round.
> Now...do it again, but this time suddenly apply full lock, this time the
> car
> will slide straight on - until you REDUCE the lock. It feels like
> understeer,
> but it's caused by having too much lock.
> > Have you tried any rain races? Even with wet tires, it is tough. You can
> > break traction and spin the rears down the straight pretty easy. It was
> > quite
> > interesting... I did Melbourne in 2:09 in the rain. It isn't that great of
> > a time
> > but it was fun :-)
> I started out by learning the game in the wet...it makes the dry much
> easier
> 8-))
> --
> Cheers,
> Richard.
> Richard UNDERSCORE Beckett AT ecid DOT cig DOT mot DOT com
Technically speaking, what your trying to say is that the
co-efficient of static friction (ie tyres not skidding) is greater than
the co-efficient of kinetic friction (ie tyres skidding). In other words
the tryes grip better when "tracking" than when skidding.
I am in two minds about the understeer at the moment. It's a case
of iether Ubi being the first company to do it "true to life" or a
matter of something being wrong. It sure is different to all other sims.
1 or 2 mph can seem to make a hell of a lot of difference to the turning
performance of the car.
Unfortunately my Viper 330 is apparently not working correctly and
the game is so choppy when cornering that it's hard to give any type of
accurate analysis at this point :((((