It is more than likely the corner that you are talking about is called
Adenauer Forst, which is approached from Fuchsrohre very quickly. The reason
everyone was crashing was/is because the instinctive line for the 'chicane'
tightens so much more than expected. I should know... I had to jump the
kerbing when I went round the Nordschleife a bit too enthusiastically for
the first time in my stock Toyota Starlet a couple of months ago!! <g>
I can't wait for GPL to re-live a lap of the ring. Even in a crappy 1.2
Starlet, 50hp and with 3 people in the car, the track is faster, steeper,
tighter and more insane than you can possibly imagine. The fact that people
have raced F1 cars there just blows my mind! The track is quite simply
awe-inspiring, and I drove around the newer circuit that they flattened out
a bit in 1972 to remove a lot of the jumps!
And I'm still waiting for Alison's report of the Papyrus Cup Race at the
'ring..... :)
Pete Tabram
>Today I saw a german videofilm with over 100 crashes from the Ring, made by
>a amateur-filmer in the 70s. He had been filming tha same sharp left bend
>every saturday in almost 10 year. On sundays the public could probably try
>the track themself, because every car I saw was a standard car! (No
>That bend was as you described, a 1st gear corner on a small crest and
>probalbly blind to. Most of the drivers came to fast and flipped over in
>the sandtrap, or spun on the road. So I understand you, when you say that
>the track can be tricky. On the worst sunday, there was five crashed cars
>left at the corner when the track closed!
>Many of the "racedrivers" seemed to be tourists. How I know that? Well,
>there was bags, jackets, beercans and a lot of other stuff flying out of
>the windows when the cars rolled. And often there where three passengers in
>the car too! And without seatbelts......(The 70s you remember.)
>It was rather funny to see what kind of cars they where driving: Volkswagen
>(Beetle), Renault Gordini, BMC Cooper, Opel Kadett Rally, Porche 911 and
>914, Mercedes Benz, Hillman Imperial (I think), Ford Capri and a lot of
>other cars I dont remember right now.
>/ Masse
>PS. No one was seriously hurt and excuse my english.