I'm wondering what you think the best racing sim for the original xbox
is? My personal favourite is Toca Race Driver 3 (also called V8
Supercars 3 and a host of other names). I recently picked up Forza
pretty cheap and am currently looking for a copy of Colin Mcrae 2005.
I haven't played Forza yet because I'm still really enjoying TRD3.
Why do I play on the Xbox, I hear you ask? A few years ago I bought a
nice TV and thought it was more logical to be playing games on a nice
big TV rather than forking out thousands of dollars on a big computer
screen and upgraded computer. I also like the Xbox controller and the
force feedback. One day when the XB360 and PS3 prices tumble and
there's a XB whatever and a PS4 newly out, I'll probably update to a
newer console than I have now. Race Driver One sounds like it could be
quite good, as does Colin Mcrae Dirt.
Hope I haven't offended the hard core PC Sim racers. I have a copy of
GPL (Grand Prix Legends) at home on my PC, so I'll check out all the
updates for it one day. That's, when I get my PC working again - there
seems to be a problem with either the AGP slot or the graphics card at
the moment.
Mr T.