Randy I can't believe I'm agreeing with you after our Don Wilshe Dave Matson
episode, but I am!
I have a p100, 64M ram, no 3d card and CPR demo rocks!! I'm getting a max of
12fps running w/ everything on. (I can't deal with the 320X200 res.) There are
so many good things about this sim, and it is a sim, I mean come on folks.
Arcade games do not let you change you ballast rate! Once I got the steering
adjusted, I started having a lot of fun at Laguna Seca. (I can't wait to run
Michigan). This is a truly remarkable first effort for MS/TRI. Even at 12 fps,
gameplay is solid and physics model is different, no doubt, but I feel that it
is if anything more realistic than ICR2. It amazes me that so many people have
mistaken different for bad. Did anyone here turn a fast lap the first week
they were running ICR2? (Rhetorical question - save the bragging for another
As you have stated, this is version 1.0 and the feature set is incredibly
expansive. I'm totally intimidated with all the options I have in the garage.
I think with the commitment of MS behind them, we will certainly see a vast
improvement in v2.0 and I wouldn't be suprised to see a patch in the
not-so-distant future.
Right on Randy, let's be thankful for what we've got, not griping about crossed
t's and dotted i's.
Walk Walker - turn left and go very very fast until they tell you to stop.....