well... I finally found my framerate solution.....
after finding that the only way I could get around the track ,was with most
of the driver aids on, I then found that I could let go of the wheel, and
it would go around the track for me.... then....while it was doing
this....I typed "frame", and found that I have on average, about a 9 to 11
framerate.... with all eye candy turned off......
not to mention that now my T2 just SUX in win95 on N2.... though I dont
think thats the game's fault.... but rather something that happened when I
switched to directx5.... at any rate....anything which messes with my N2
(where I currently enjoy about a 22 to 25 framerate, with a couple of
graphics on) has to go!!!
seems to be a flashy sim....and probably will be killer in the end....
for those who have the machines....
But I'm not one of them.... :(
not slamming it.... by the way.....just saying, if your machine doesnt
measure up, the framerate solution is deletion....
maybe when I hit the lotto, I'll get the full version.....
and a 400Mhz Pentium.... or whatever's out by then :)
> Couldn't there be a choice other than just 640x480 for the D3D option???? If
> you could set the resolution to 512x384 then perhaps the framerate would
> improve significantly. I know that when I switch from 640x480 to 521x384 in
> glquake I get like 10-12 FPS increase. Also I get a pretty good increase
> with MotoRacer in 512x384 also..
IVGA 4924 ~~pulling for #8 in 1998 ! :)~~
ICQ 3551448 GOoooo #3 !!