The has a convertor for using GPL tracks in N3. (not all of
them work, the ring and monaco and rouen I think for sure don't & some
systems can only run Spa & Solitude in software mode) But Nothing yet for
GPL to N4.
I'd be willing to bet, that many N3 users can get better times than what the
GPL cars acheive, but that all but the very good N4 drivers will see slower
times.(if & when that happens)
dave henrie
> Has anyone taken N4 and tried to use the many GPL road courses for it?
> Running stock cars at the Ring, or Mexico would seem to be a blast.
> I would love to see this. Many thanks...
> ********************************
> Dave Pawlikowski
> " Ah, the Luftwaffe.. the Washington
> Generals of the History Channel.."
> Homer Simpson
> ********************************