Just a short note to thank the both of you, and all the other individuals
involved in helping you, for the fine job you've done in creating this
It is, for me anyway, the cherry on top of the excellent cake that is GPL.
When the sim was released (and even prior to that date, once we knew what it
would contain) I was delighted to learn that Papyrus had inserted Rouen in
place of Le Mans; the former circuit being the more memorable historically,
and certainly the more challenging.
However, over the past two years, even though we have seen some quite
brilliant circuits created for GPL, I have felt that the "GPL package" was
incomplete. Everything about the game centred on the 1967 season yet, for
all the majesty of the Rouen circuit, it just wasn't "right". It was a
ring-in, if you know what mean.
Your creation has provided the final chapter for me. I now have a complete
"interactive history" of the 1967 F1 season at my fingertips and for that I
thank you sincerely. You have done a wonderful job.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.