> > Thank you Mitch.
> > Why would anyone support someone who had nothing to say to them but stop
> kissing
> > John's ass is beyond me but I certainly will not.
> > I will say this,
> > Unless your able to apologize to at least 3 people you publicly accused
> > sucking up to John every single time we offered HIM support you can lay
> claim to
> > the big fish in a small pond all you like and it will never make you
> anything
> > more than an agitator who grabbed the ball and said it was his. Oh
> me,
> > OURS, lol.
> The part I find funny is Mitch's assertion that John had no right to make
> rules because he "VOLUNTEERED" to help out.
> Then the first thing Mitch does is take over (after Jan had initiated a
> to keep rascar going) and make a rule about who will be allowed to race.
> What group did you poll to come up with that rule Mitch?
> What happened to the original premise to rascar now Mitch? Doesn't seem
> like that was so important to you after all.
> Pretty ballsy!
> Sean
The S h a d o w knows.
/slightly insane laughter - fade sound.