Thank you Mitch.
Why would anyone support someone who had nothing to say to them but stop kissing
John's ass is beyond me but I certainly will not.
I will say this,
Unless your able to apologize to at least 3 people you publicly accused of
sucking up to John every single time we offered HIM support you can lay claim to
the big fish in a small pond all you like and it will never make you anything
more than an agitator who grabbed the ball and said it was his. Oh excuse me,
OURS, lol.
I will never race on a server you admin, won't ever happen. You're antics were
absolutely in no way less offensive than anything John said or did. Your
ridiculous arguments, flaming, and pompous righteous holier-than-thou attitude,
and bravado attempts at claiming you are for the group, while simultaneously
changing it's core idea of an open invite policy, simply show just how incapable
you are.
You don't even deserve the respect of explaining it to you personally since your
obviously so incapable of grasping it.
You want, YOU, want RASCAR to be just another league, with the same closed doors
all the others have. Your version of RASCAR will not only not survive, you will
only be remembered as the single person who alienated a decent guy like Eldred
who happened to have a good server, and knew what to do with it.
Tim White