> The one thing that I would like to see is the REPLAY engine allow you to put
> in a time or allow fast scroll ahead. If I am watching a 40 minute race and
> want to get to Lap 100 to see something I have to wait for the 35 minutes till
> the replay moves to that point.
> It would be nice to be able to pick a lap number or to enter the elapsed time
> value i wanted to start at and then view from there.
> This will need to be around for various race results and infraction reviews by
> NASCAR officials anyway.
> Regards
> Tim Daley
> Expertec Corporation (313) 451-2272
> Providers of Software Solutions and Expertise
> --------------------------------------------------
> I'd rather be lucky than FAST!
> <<<<<<<<<GM Proving Grounds Race Team>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> __________________________________________________
and it takes awhile since we run 20% and 40% races...