I also lose FF and centering occasionally. Actually, if I start the game
and FF and centering are ok, I won't lose it during the course of a ***
session. What DOES happen occasionally is that I will start the game and
have no FF or Centering tension. If that happens, I exit, go to the CONTROL
PANEL and go to the TEST screen for the wheel. I then close it down,
restart N4 and everything is ok.
>Posted message some days ago about Posted message some days ago about
>loosing Force Feedback while playing N4, using my Microsoft FF Wheel..
>Having experimented a little a more, I realise now that what I am lacking
>the 'return to centre' feeling of the wheel (even allowing for the pull to
>the left). Its there during testing, but the wheel looses all sense of
>friction around its centre when I enter a race (off line). Very strange.